Monday, March 8, 2010

Heart Murmur Heartburn

For Murielem litteratam - Point Muriel

Tempora prisca decem se iactavere sibillis
et vestri sexus gloria multa fuit.
Unius ingenio presentia secula gaudent
et non ex toto virgine vate carent.
Nunc quoque sunt homini quedam commercia divum,
quos puto, nec fallor, virginis ore loqui.
Mente tua posuere dei penetrale verendum
osque sacrum vatem constituere suum.
Ore tuo quecumque fluunt vigilata priorum
trascendunt, solis inferiora deis.
Quicquid enim spiras est immortale tuumque
tanquam divinum mundus adorat opus.
Deprimis ingenio vates celebresque poetas
et stupet eloquio sexus uterque tuo.
Carmina missa mihi decies spectata revolvens
miror et ex aditis illa venire reor.
Non est humanum tam sacros posse labores
nec te, sed per te numina credo loqui.
Pondera verborum, sensus gravis, ordo venustus
vultum divine condicionis habent.
Cum miror quanta se maiestate tuentur,
parcius exilii triste recordor onus.
Forsitan ignoras, sed ego dum tutor honestum,
dum sacri partes ordinis, exsul agor.
Exilii curas et pondera dura laborum
alleviare tuo carmine virgo potes.
Allevies oro, nec quem Fortuna reliquit
linquere, fortune tu comes ipsa, velis.
Ne mihi verba neges, levius nil poscere possum:
Exulis obsequium munity ubiquitous tuum.

The antiquity of glory and of ten Sibille
was great glory for the women.
time we admire the ingenuity of a single,
and is not entirely devoid of a woman's voice.
Today there is still a contact with the gods,
they speak, I am sure, through a virgin.
In your mind, put a venerable place, and
in your mouth fix their sacred oracle.
The things that come out of your mouth
transcend the brigade works of ancient, inferior only to the gods. Whatever you say

is immortal and the world loves your work as a divine gift. You
with dark wit the prophets and the most illustrious poets,
man and woman wonder your eloquence.
Ten times I re-read the poems submitted, and so
admire them and I think come from my heart.
inhuman and therefore such an undertaking
and maybe you talk, but for you to speak of.
The weight of words, the formal sense, the elegant structure
suggest an image of God.
When I admire the majesty of which are coated
less bitter for me is the terrible exile.
may not know, me as the honest difenfo
and assets of the church, live in exile.
You can ease the pain of exile
and hard work with your hand, or a virgin. Relieves
yes, and do not abandon those who have already
Fortune disertato, Compagna stessa della your fortune. Non negarmi
you tue parole, posso chiedere nulla di meno questo: nulla da
sperare sposso you are my negherai him parole. Se non l'
rifiuterai Omaggio dell'esule
ovunque, esula, io di renderti cercherò Omaggio. DI ILDEBERTO



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