Sunday, April 23, 2006

High Res Free Preview W4b

product: "SHOW YOUR BONES" Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Made in: New York USA

The Yeah Yeah Yeahs have escaped from New York or are resurrected in intermittent traffic of cars and scrap metal or changed their skin (which is three years from the first album is entirely justified.) The punk was tinged with romance. After waking up drunk. YYY's have washed your face with soap and sat before the harmless remains of ashes of the bonfire the night before. Maybe. Change
the manufacturer in this second disc (which if you think about, heck might as well be the fourth or fifth album of his career ... but it is still the second): Squeak E. Clean (brother of the famous Spike Jonze, director of the other video of "Y-control"), which is straight west coast hip-hop to smooth and wash the clothes of the three New Yorkers. It all begins with rhythm sections and the pieces can not help but feel an accentuation pounding, primitive or even esoteric. Despite all the battery is probably the element that undergoes minor changes within the band from the first album. Maintains a performance totally unpredictable and anarchic, even in the most basic gear or charged punk-noise ... and listening deflowers with the tribal rain dance of "Gold Lion". Here: "Gold Lion" is the paradigm of the album, his interpretation.
Karen O's voice is no longer stinging or stabbing has nothing to do with the acidity of the earlier work neurotic. Female caresses melodies and screams as well but is relaxed and basically sober. YYY's have escaped from New York punk ... you put three in the country. The harmony of the first syllables, melodies that are still searching for him, ergonomic melodies, covers the entire album (even in songs where you do not expect as "Mysteries" and "Phenomena"). I've read interviews with speakers Yeahs di una evoluzione “dalla rabbia al dolore”… onestamente credo che l’evoluzione abbia invece portato ad una catarsi… quest’album è la sorella maggiore del precedente. È terribilmente primaverile e a tratti spensierato (riesci ad immaginare gli YYY, spensierati?)… ti balla in testa… balla la testa e la nuca… ballo nella stanza. Gli YYY si sono puliti e cantano anche ninna-nanne (“Dudley”, “The sweets”, “Turn into”).
E le chitarre che si alternano e si incrociano a partire da “Gold lion” hanno anche il coraggio di essere pulite e ad alta fedeltà ed acustiche piuttosto che elettriche (davvero però le sento lontane the violence of "Date with the Night" ... for example). The high fidelity, the gestation of the songs almost entirely in the studio ... an album brood adult would say. The hint is that the Yeah Yeah Yeahs have made a second album in name and fact. I wonder how much they have lost the YYY from the first album or how much they earned, or rather as the first ... YYY still belong to the current ones. Show your bones, their "SHOW YOUR BONES". Maybe it's all the review here of the album. YYY's have washed your face with soap and sat before the harmless remains of ashes of the bonfire the night before. Maybe.
(Erik Chilly)

Saturday, April 1, 2006

Bikini Brazilian Wax Before And After

made in the MARKET: Francavilla (BRRRINDISI)
price: Ya ya ya ya-a yuppie yè
category: analogical local village

The Saturday market is internet more analog and quicker than I can take advantage of his mother, ever. The Sabbath is a day dedicated to the market ... and in my country is a practice that moves across the social economy, involving clandestine housewives and high school students, senators and husbands caring attitude.
My mom is part of the community, and the truth is an act of trust. It gives the market like a picnic or a holiday weekend. My mom does not issue shopping lists but it trails only decipherable to her: like bees. The logic is hidden and the hot spring powder weekly market drugs to people. Masses of people collide, "Permission", "Excuse me" is updated, spying, daring bids of almost medieval merchants, through the eyes of those who have suffered so many people from being able to tab the attitudes empirically and to provide voice and storyteller or Jester, the ruthless and arrogant boys, the summer sweat, and slogans league "stuff bbuona sjiòuraa", "€ a two, three five euro!"
My mom digs in robe used as a dog nose and pull the strings and as average prices and contracted for a kilo of oranges and knows the products of the merchants. My mother is fascinated by the market as a cigarette, and visit the stalls like a shipwrecked happy, as if they were web pages. It was the favorite links, and indeed I could well say that the favorite links replace the final shopping list. Just the vision of the stalls of confidence to feel the need to make a pair of tights rather than artichokes: John of "supporting American" (which I proudly presented this morning ... where my father is more jealous), cheese Lino ( I got one of those tubes chalky tasting Parmigiano ... as he did when I was 6, 7 and 8 years), Ciro's panties ... A village local analog. The local markets are rivers of information materials and goods and odors. Materials: you get dirty, you annoy, touch you and you exist.
markets are not the hall of the shopping centers.
(Erik Chilly)