Saturday, December 12, 2009

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serataccia. all that was in the fridge was half-a-little pepper, wrapped in a sheet of aluminum foil, two mandarins and a bottle of champagne. in the freezer, a sofficino one. I said never mind, tomorrow the supermarket is open and I decided to eat something out. I went out with my sister and we shot all of the local area. first step, the restaurant that prepares and crescentine tigelle. before the door was a crocchietto of girls who are waiting for a table and we confident of finding a spot somewhere else, we went to a cafe. were still serving as an aperitif and through the windows you could see a beautiful and delicious buffet. of course, also the coffee was full. after trying a pizzeria, where we were told that no reservation would not be able to enter and after entering and fled from the only bistro where there was room, because the service seemed very slow and the room rather cramped, we went in a pub. today is the advance of a series, you want in a room with giant screens will be able to enter? In short, torniamo al caffè, aspettiamo per dieci minuti buoni che ci assegnino un tavolo, poi ci rassegnamo ad andare a prendere altrove una pizza al taglio. ordiniamo due porzioni di patatine, perchè -almeno quelle- sono già pronte. fredde. gelide. roba che c'è mancato poco che le vomitassi sul bancone. alla fine, abbiamo preso due pizze e ce le siamo portate a casa, scaldate e mangiate davanti a un orribile programma tv, che è un misto tra la mal riuscita imitazione di x-factor e la corrida di corrado.