Friday, December 3, 2010

What Each Color Rubber Braclet Means

New wilderness areas outside the Park of Abruzzo

Continue the designation of wilderness areas in mountainous areas outside the Park of Abruzzo. Such a measure of protection of nature, an alternative to the enlargement of the National Park, takes place through the direct involvement of municipalities nell'autotutela of its territory in collaboration with the AIW. E 'on the table, for Lazio, the proposed holding a regional wilderness areas also establishing a compensation to municipalities that agree to put conservation restrictions on their territory, as a measure democratica tesa a favorire la partecipazione della comunità locale alle misure di salvaguardia...


Nell’ambito del Parco Nazionale d’Abruzzo ed al suo esterno
Rosskopf - photo by F. Zunino

The City of San Biagio Saracinisco, by resolution of the City Council unanimously approved on 29 November approved the designated Wilderness Area Rosskopf (part of the largest and most comprehensive Mainarde The Wilderness Area, the first sector which was appointed by the neighboring City of Vallerotonda in 2008).
The new Wilderness Area is to expand on one of the most scenic, beautiful and wild Val Comino, including the river valleys and plateaus and valleys Monacesca Venafrana, separate dalla cima del Monte Cavallo, col vicino Monte Forcellone uno dei più svettanti di tutta
la Val
Le due valli, in una delle quali scorre l’impetuoso Rio Chiaro affluente del Fiume Volturno, ricadono in gran parte nei limiti del Parco Nazionale d’Abruzzo, ma si completano all’esterno, con un tutt’uno geografico ed ambientale di estremo valore anche sotto il punto di vista della biodiversità e quale habitat primario per la vita dell’Orso bruno marsicano e del Camoscio d’Abruzzo. Nell’area sono inoltre presenti  importanti biotopi vegetazionali con specie rare ed endemiche della flora appenninica. Anche per questo il Consiglio comunale ha stabilito di consider a contribution to the Wilderness Area of \u200b\u200bthe City of St. Biagio Saracinisco to 'International Year of Biodiversity
UNs this 2010.
What has been decided by St. Biagio Saracinisco is a major step towards a decision to safeguard the City no longer wishes to delegate to the National Park only, but also do so directly as its own intention and conservative management. The Horse Mountain Wilderness Area covers about 1,400 hectares , of \u200b\u200bwhich about half and half in the park beyond. The outdoor area is part of the wildlife-Hunting "White Water". This new area of \u200b\u200bArea Wilderness complements that of Mainarde already decided in 2008 by the neighboring City of Vallerotonda, which leads the Wilderness Area to a total of approximately 2,200 hectares in size, an area that could eventually be still enlarged from other neighboring towns, such Picinisco, Pizzone, Castel S. Vincent, Rocchetta a Volturno and singles.
The City of St. Biagio Saracinisco is today one of the greener side of Frosinone in the Park, having already been designated also another, though modest, extending the White Mountains Wilderness Area at the time designated by the City of St. Elijah Fiumerapido, when in 2007 there brings together the impressive Monte Rotolo.
The Italian Association for the Wilderness is preparing to submit a regional law, should be approved as we hope and as many as 19 municipalities have called for Lazio with the positions they favor, give recognition regional realities, including encouragement of economic compensation for Designating Communities as well as premium contributions for autonomous action to preserve the land and the environment put in place, and for those of management as collateral for any reimbursement to the shepherds worsening of use.
Murialdo, December 3, 2010 ; ; THE SECRETARY-GENERAL

; ;                                                  Franco Zunino


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