Monday, December 13, 2010

Chalice In Poptropica

Lucan Parks: Will a new Tibet? Felice Turturiello

The news of the big ones. After the eggs of stone, the rides for the Titans and the amphitheatres plant on the banks of rivers Lucan, and political leaders here that they thought the National Park of the Val-Lucano d’Agri potesse rinascere un nuovo Tibet. L’iniziativa pilota, prima che un Monastero venga edificato per accogliere il Dalai Lama in pensione, è un Ponte Tibetano.
Ecco quindi bandito un concorso internazionale (cinesi esclusi) per la costruzione di un Ponte Tibetano, che anticipa quello per il Monastero Zen. La zona scelta per  il Ponte
, una delle ultime rimaste intatte, è quella delle selvagge gole del Racanello, follia finanziata dal Programma Operativo val d’Agri, che tutto ha fin qui previsto fuorchè investimenti per tutelare questo prezioso eco-sistema.
Per non scontentare i cinesi, la macchia mediterranea attorno al ponte verrà uprooted and bamboo will be planted in its place with the introduction of giant pandas, to the delight of children and images of hunters. And just like the pope the Dalai Lama, with Sari and orange cap, was seen wandering alone on Racanelli.
Seriously, spending on the project of one million euros. The bridge is intended to connect the historic center of Castel Sara-ceno the ridge of the Castle and the Old Man Mountain Raparo. Project part of the proposed three-year public works (2010-2013) to be carried out with national funds in the software package tourism Lagonegrese Val d'Agri.
would useful for the Ministry of Environment, not to be accused of not blame her, the one million euro it could be fair-forth as favoritism, advised the leaders of the park to invest money in programs to preserve the biotic communities in it exist. Warning that the plans for tourism development are adjacent to or outside protected areas to be enhanced.
A natural park is a developing industry, but the heart of development. The point around which to build strong economies without altering my functions. On the way to a heart that can withstand an athlete in the effort. The physicist may change, but the heart must never change. That these managers should reconsider their position and their role.
A nature park management can not be managed, but through the experience of someone who protects nature. Zoology, ethology, ecosystem, biodiversity, etc.. are a few terms of an exact science. Each branch of this science has its experts and their methodologies. Combine these features, pay for those skills within a protected area, comes before any other action.
parks in Spain, as the Coto Donana, are handled in that manner. We take them from young specimens of Egyptian vultures, griffon vultures, to repopulate areas where they became extinct. And 'even this industry development. Think about the first to throw away valuable resources chasing a dream Himalayan.
, L ' Press Officer prov. Wilderness SA
Felice Turturiello


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