FROM 12 TO 18 December 2010
Communities, landscapes, stories of Tuscia. Stories of identity as assets to be valued for a harmonious cultural and economic development of our territory.
After Vetralla and Tuscania, the third edition closes in Vejano For the year 2010, thanks to the collaboration and financial participation of the Province of Viterbo, Department alla Cultura, in collaborazione con l’Officina Culturale della Tuscia diretta da Marco Schiavoni e con la Regione Lazio, Assessorato alla Cultura Arte e Sport, con il patrocinio delle Amministrazioni Comunali di Tuscania, Vejano e Vetralla, il progetto si concentra su tre comunità dell’Alto Lazio: Tuscania, Vetralla e Vejano.
Dopo il successo del primo appuntamento a Vetralla, presso il Museo della Città e del Territorio, la “Banca del Racconto” approda a Tuscania e a Vejano. A Tuscania venerdì 17 dicembre alle 16.30, sarà ospite del Centro Anziani di via Marconi 2 con un incontro sulle memorie del terremoto del 1971. Il 18 dicembre alle 17.00 sarà invece a Vejano, sempre presso il Centro Anziani in via della Repubblica, sui ricordi dei bombardamenti del 5 giugno 1944.
A Tuscania il trauma è recente. Una catastrofe voluta da madre-Natura-matrigna: il terremoto. Nel 1971, il 6 febbraio, giorno di carnevale. L'Italia di un Dopostoria consumista e omologato già volto sul baratro della Prima Recessione post-Boom economico. Immagine-simbolo: lo splendido rosone di San Pietro miseramente precipitato a terra -quel rosone immortalato dall'obiettivo di Pier Paolo Pasolini in Uccellacci e uccellini appena 6 anni prima, con Totò frate Ciccillo e frate Ninetto Davoli francescanamente danzanti sul sagrato, intenti a convertire passeri-. E ancora: il centro storico in macerie; Disperazione e morti; e tutto quel che ne seguì: a community emergency deported in suburban pulled up in a hurry, a beautiful old historic and monumental desert for years .. and what remains? In
local elderly centers, try to recall it and tell a bit 'and telling a little improvising, with the prose of the memories and the great poets of the eighth arm Tuscanese the past: the actor Peter Benedetti-Tuscanese anagrafe and heart - and the poet-painter-Ennio De Santis Tuscanese adoption, but now the historical memory of the village of Maremma: Ennio moved to Tuscania few years after the trauma. The two special guests in the heart of a special replica of the show "Give ear, my dear hearers," journey into the world of folk poetry eighth in rhyme, by the Band of the Tale-Antonello Ricci, Alfonso Prota, Cicchetti, Olindo. The replica is entitled: In the year one thousand nine ... the earthquake in Tuscania. During the performance, Ricci & Co. also will re-verse of the unforgettable Montesi, Meloni, Greaves, forty-eight ... A
Vejano to relive the trauma of the passage of the war front in the heart of Tuscia. It was 1944. Remember the war as those who lived and suffered, men and women who are now eighty at least 80 years. But in those days, terrible and wonderful, airy Farfarello were ageless. Picari thrown into the adventure of life, whose eyes could pierce the most raw and bared the truth of life and death. Thus, before the recorder on, under a hail of bombs and huge glittering under the bursts of machine guns, in the midst of disfigured corpses, rotting and bloody, amid the smoking ruins of their beloved country razed half-buried in the rubble moral horror of a country-unfortunately crashed, make their way here unexpected awe and wonder, smiles and laughter, fantastic paradoxes and bawdy laugh. Pity. We speak with tenderness, because where the greater the danger, that is where salvation grows. Because life does not always give up and start again.
A Vejano in front with the choir and anonymous, and exuberant life, the old format of the Senior Citizens Center, as in the auditorium of a theater greek, relive the tragedy of the devastating bombing on June 5, 1944. On stage Alfonso Prota, Antonello Ricci and Marco D'Aureli
The Bank Story is a project conceived and edited by Alfonso Prota and Antonello Ricci, with the help of the Cultural Routes - ARCI-and in collaboration with the STAF Soc ar.l. Viterbo.
The project, operational since 2008, involved the cooperation of Prof. Marcello Arduini-Professor of Cultural Anthropology, University of Tuscia, Dr. Mark D'Aureli-Director of the Museum of the Earth and Latera Cell-banditry, Stefano Frateiacci-and layout-produced publications, the publisher and editor of the theater group Ghaleb Bank Story for the phase of "restitution."
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