Pinus leucodermis "domesticus" ... in the name of Kyoto!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Blueprint Off-road-buggy
leucodermis pinus - Photo by Indio

Tra gli obiettivi del Comitato Parchi per Kyoto vi è quello di individuare, all’interno di Parchi nazionali e internazionali, regionali, urbani e periurbani, aree idonee a ospitare interventi di forestazione quale contributo all’attuazione del Protocollo di Kyoto. Nel suo primo anno di attività Parchi per Kyoto si è posto l’obiettivo di mettere a dimora almeno 250.000 alberi in Italia e nei Paesi in via di sviluppo, per ottenere un assorbimento di CO2 stimato cumulativamente in 175.000 tonnellate” .
L’iniziativa, come si vede, è in linea con quella “mentalità diffusa” che individua i parchi come “laboratori” for the implementation of international guidelines on emissions and climate change. The same story of Enel in biomass is indicative of this trend, since the opening of the plant was based on precisely the purpose of producing clean energy from "renewable sources (biomass found on the spot) in obedience to the dictates of Kyoto. The initiative will be implemented with the money of Lottomatica, " fact, thanks to the contribution of Lottomatica and funds of the Lotto game
you can make the operation of forestry in the Park, which aims to offset emissions C02 generated by the 2009 production coupons of the most popular game by the Italians. "
First it must be said that while the reforestation measures are not wrong, primary purpose of a National Park should be primarily the protection of existing forests and woodlands (starting with the wildest areas) before all through the purchase of municipal forest lands as compensation given to municipalities that otherwise will always be forced to exploit their forests for cramming their meager financial resources. And this irrespective of Kyoto and emissions. Also today, with the decline of old activities economic as herding and agriculture, forests are growing enormously everywhere on pasture and uncultivated .
Second, the implications of this reforestation project are not really "uplifting." It provides for the planting of 5000 seedlings, and between the species identified ( oak, Neapolitan alder, hornbeam, ash, Maple) picture ... none other than the pine loricato! Pine loricato is not a tree that can be used to reforest pastures and decorate the edges of paved roads in the mountains! So treating it, pine loricato will lose the charm of its great rare tree, which stands on the highest peaks of the mountain, perched on rugged cliffs and steep, and that is the hallmark (even in the tourist sense) of our beautiful Pollino! Sorry to say that this initiative indicates questionable, like many others who now rife in our national parks, one of many cases of what Wilderness Italy called "domestication of the wild" ...
( Sources: Tgr Basilicata, 19 December;
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