Monday, December 27, 2010

Zepose Diazepam Tablets

Reforestation: do not use pine loricato! Emanuele Pisarra Sig.presidente Ente Parco Nazionale del Pollino 85048 ROUND (PZ)
not use the Pine Loricato! President, learn from media reports and with great joy - at last - the body chaired by you going to start a reforestation project to plant five thousand thanks to financial support of Lottomatica. It is said that reforestation will help reduce greenhouse gases. It is also said that this initiative was held in the spirit of the Kyoto Protocol. Finally, it is stated that among the species used for reforestation will loricato pine.
Regarding the first two points I beg to differ because I think that five thousand plants have no effect and do not reduce if not an infinitesimal percentage of greenhouse gases, while at the same time, many municipalities within the entire perimeter of a Parco1
NOTICE WITH OPEN PROCEDURE - WOODY MATERIAL FOR SALE - "whip-lot coppice woodland Mancosa" (Joint Laino Borgo), who has just tried: the auction was scheduled for last December 9. City of Saratoga, Signature, Verbicaro, Orsomarso Viggianello, Morano Calabro and many others. have issued tenders for the sale of "woody material" is defined as pompously - according to a bureaucratic in vogue since the Fascist militia forest - The sale of public forest areas. Many years ago I worked as a volunteer at the National Park of Abruzzo, where the cutting of forests in some countries of the park was vital, since it served to warm as many municipalities were not connected to the national network of natural gas - and some are not yet all 'now - and yet the direction of the Park was lavish in order not to fell the trees and even
rent, so much so that much of the entity's financial statements was used to compensate the towns. I would have loved that you had used the sum allocated by Lottomatica to buy - for example - what remains of the forests of the Plan Change and Vallone Draw: splendidi paesaggi forestali che molti studiosi da tutto il mondo ci invidiano mentre ora sono sotto minaccia di lame di assordanti motoseghe. Così come penso che il Protocollo di Kyoto sia una “giustificazione” che ci siamo dati per far passare iniziative pleonastiche che non hanno nessun effetto per le quali si dice di essere creato. Su questo argomento potremmo in un altro momento dibattere a lungo. Invece, in questa circostanza mi preme portare alla sua attenzione un fatto che di per se è gravissimo e denota che non avete a cuore le sorti del Parco e del suo simbolo per antonomasia che tutti ci invidiano: il pino loricato. Non molti anni fa (ricordo a memoria) ci fu un convegno sul pino loricato a Morano Calabro dove un noto studioso di questa nostra pianta announced with joy that he had made arrangements with the French Ministry of Forestry to use the plant as loricato pine afforestation in some coastal areas of Brittany overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. This announcement came as a result of a chorus of boos that the student did desist from this evil purpose. We also suffered years of leadership of the Forest Service officials from the culture purely "economic" of wood. As if to say that if we plant a tree after thirty years you can cut and sell the raw material for a tot of money. Surely the revenue loss is far less than the "green" plant: in fact, it has played at the same time hydraulic functions not to bring down the land, played host to many animals who ate its berries have made a nest in its branches many generations of birds and more that makes the ecological value of a single plant at the same time is far superior to the proceeds in cash. Perhaps this should be the spirit of the forest management entity by her chair. Finally, and I am the object of my writing, I ask you to remove from the list of plants used in this reforestation, but also in any other work that you have chaired the Board intends to undertake in the near future, the use of loricato pine. Pine loricato as you know is the symbol of our park.
Pine Lorica is a symbol because it is a unique plant, rare, beautiful and spectacular, being the destination of many (I would add to all) of the visitors who come to ride on our mountains. Not banalizziamolo! Do not use it to mere commercialization, even if for reforestation. Otherwise we can resume contact with the French and sell it to Britain as well as in Corsica or on the cliffs of Amalfi or anyone who requests it. So much so that my concern - that is shared by many of his advisers (Professor Bernard in particular) as well as all the staff of his service to conservation - makes vain any justification in terms of fatigue, ore di cammino, di rarità della pianta se poi girato l’angolo possiamo trovare un pino loricato in vasetto o in fila sui gradoni di un rimboschimento. Teniamolo un po’ più in conto perché è il nostro capitale. Qualcuno sostiene che la bravura di un gestore di parchi così come di un banchiere sta nel saper utilizzare gli interessi senza intaccare il capitale: altrimenti un giorno non avremo né l’uno né l’altro. 
Un caro saluto

Emanuele Pisarra*

*Giornalista ambientale – Guida Ufficiale del Parco nazionale del Pollino – Accademico del GISM (Gruppo Italiano Mountain Writers) - Shareholder Italian Geographical Society

Friday, December 24, 2010

Swieta Faustyna Obrazek Piekla

Qui non si sente altro che il caldo buono

I'm with the four somersaults smoke of the hearth

Thursday, December 23, 2010

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What U Write For A Wedding Card

L'abito rosso

Quest'anno, per Natale, voglio un abito rosso. Trovo che l'abito rosso sia, per certi versi, un capo insuperabile. Richiede e concede perfezione.
La richiede, sì, perchè basta poco perchè si trasformi in un autentico disastro. Ma, a chi sappia coprirsene, concede un fascino che nessun altro abito sa dare. E' un protagonista per vocazione e ciò che più amo del little red dress è il suo saper essere, insieme, un'infinità di cose. E' il capo più complesso che esista. Guardate una donna nel giusto abito rosso e non saprete se definirla più allegra, ironica, raffinata o sexy. Sotto una chioma bionda, il little red dress dona un aspetto così bon ton, una sofisticata ingenuità, una delicata sensualità. Ma sa divenire anche ironico ed audace. Alle more, concede un'aura di mistero, ed è allo stesso tempo spudoratamente estroverso ed invadente. Il segreto è portarlo con humor e non crederci mai fino in fondo.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

W W W . Teghdeck . Com

Waiting for Epiphany ...

L’Associazione Cultur ale MANINALTO in collaborazione con il Coordinamento per il teatro di figura dell’alta Tuscia e il Comitato Provinciale Arci Viterbo propone ”Aspettando la Befana” nel Centro storico del Comune di Viterbo, dal 23 dicembre 2010 al 6 gennaio 2011. Il progetto is realized with the help of the City of Viterbo, Department of Culture and the idea of \u200b\u200bAugusto Terenzi, artistic collaboration with the illustrator and Marcella Claw dell'atel ierista Saskia Hélène Menting, and the organizational of Marco Trulli and Elisa Maurizi. After the success of last year, returns "Waiting for the witch" for all children and families of Viterbo. It starts Thursday, December 23, 2010 in Piazza delle Erbe 16.00, with Santa Claus waiting for the witch! It also expects the letters of all children. To continue on 4 and 5 at the Hall of Cats with readings and creative workshops, free admission, to do together Mom and Dad. And finally comes the Epiphany on January 6th to the streets of the historical center of Viterbo!

The combination of the realities that make "Waiting for the Epiphany" was born in fulfillment of the project "LibrImmaginari", a project to promote reading, which saw the participation of hundreds of babies, children and families from many parts in central Italy.

For information or telephone 393.9211339 0761.329478 or

(Illustration Marcella Claw)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Blueprint Off-road-buggy

Pinus leucodermis "domesticus" ... in the name of Kyoto!

has learned from various media outlets that the Park Authority has in mind a reforestation project in "Castellana" in the countryside of the town of Round. The initiative comes within the "Parks for Kyoto", "
organization non-profit organization created to provide a contribution to protect and enhance the environment in terms of training, istruzione e ricerca scientifica (…)
Tra gli obiettivi del Comitato Parchi per Kyoto vi è quello di individuare, all’interno di Parchi nazionali e internazionali, regionali, urbani e periurbani, aree idonee a ospitare interventi di forestazione quale contributo all’attuazione del Protocollo di Kyoto. Nel suo primo anno di attività Parchi per Kyoto si è posto l’obiettivo di mettere a dimora almeno 250.000 alberi in Italia e nei Paesi in via di sviluppo, per ottenere un assorbimento di CO2 stimato cumulativamente in 175.000 tonnellate” .
L’iniziativa, come si vede, è in linea con quella “mentalità diffusa” che individua i parchi come “laboratori” for the implementation of international guidelines on emissions and climate change. The same story of Enel in biomass is indicative of this trend, since the opening of the plant was based on precisely the purpose of producing clean energy from "renewable sources (biomass found on the spot) in obedience to the dictates of Kyoto. The initiative will be implemented with the money of Lottomatica, " fact, thanks to the contribution of Lottomatica and funds of the Lotto game
you can make the operation of forestry in the Park, which aims to offset emissions C02 generated by the 2009 production coupons of the most popular game by the Italians. "
First it must be said that while the reforestation measures are not wrong, primary purpose of a National Park should be primarily the protection of existing forests and woodlands (starting with the wildest areas) before all through the purchase of municipal forest lands as compensation given to municipalities that otherwise will always be forced to exploit their forests for cramming their meager financial resources. And this irrespective of Kyoto and emissions. Also today, with the decline of old activities economic as herding and agriculture, forests are growing enormously everywhere on pasture and uncultivated .
Second, the implications of this reforestation project are not really "uplifting." It provides for the planting of 5000 seedlings, and between the species identified ( oak, Neapolitan alder, hornbeam, ash, Maple) picture ... none other than the pine loricato! Pine loricato is not a tree that can be used to reforest pastures and decorate the edges of paved roads in the mountains! So treating it, pine loricato will lose the charm of its great rare tree, which stands on the highest peaks of the mountain, perched on rugged cliffs and steep, and that is the hallmark (even in the tourist sense) of our beautiful Pollino! Sorry to say that this initiative indicates questionable, like many others who now rife in our national parks, one of many cases of what Wilderness Italy called "domestication of the wild" ...
( Sources: Tgr Basilicata, 19 December;


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Drivers License New York Template

Bears and dogs


Marsicano brown bear and stray dogs
A false problem inflated via the web!
That aggression of a pack of dogs the female brown bear Marsicano accompanied by three cubs, which has become famous in his meeting last month to "close" with a car, it is a fact as the many that are always successful, and sometimes were the cause of loss of teddy bears, to exist in the land of the bear farming. The difference is that in this case the attack was directly observed by conscious people to defend the bear (the much reviled "bad hunter", who also tried to protect the bears, but few have shown this!), then spread and amplified via the web, that web that did not exist until a few years ago, so only the pastors knew about it.
Meanwhile, the National Park of Abruzzo, who does? Instead of saying outright that the stray dogs (because of stray dogs is, and not of the fancy "feral") must be captured or killed, the room (wasted, it would be truer to say!) 12.000 Euro in yet useless research that will end up reinventing the wheel: that stray dogs be captured or killed! However EUR 12,000 to plant corn fields are never found!
should finally be noted that these packs of dogs are formed when those flocks or owners are close (eg in winter, when crude oil falls to the stables instead of being divided on the summer pastures, and especially when some female should be in heat). In fact, turning them into "stray" when it is maybe only dogs unattended, unattended as they have always been witnessed at the pastoral world. But in the case of dealing with such a false problem (false as a phenomenon rare and occasional, as well as the encounter of the bear with the driver) when other problems are threatening the bear and its habitat, and for which no one does anything, nobody speaks, or, worse, ignored because they are unpopular or contrary to too many economic interests? Or conclude that the sheep should be forbidden to save the bear, rather than encouraging it as an activity in decline with indirect influence in his favor and in favor of maintaining the biodiversity of grasslands?
Franco Zunino
Secretary General Wilderness
(formerly scholar Marsicano brown bear)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Lpn License Verification New York

The Bank's Tale: last date to Vejano


FROM 12 TO 18 December 2010

Communities, landscapes, stories of Tuscia. Stories of identity as assets to be valued for a harmonious cultural and economic development of our territory.

After Vetralla and Tuscania, the third edition closes in Vejano

For the year 2010, thanks to the collaboration and financial participation of the Province of Viterbo, Department alla Cultura, in collaborazione con l’Officina Culturale della Tuscia diretta da Marco Schiavoni e con la Regione Lazio, Assessorato alla Cultura Arte e Sport, con il patrocinio delle Amministrazioni Comunali di Tuscania, Vejano e Vetralla, il progetto si concentra su tre comunità dell’Alto Lazio: Tuscania, Vetralla e Vejano.

Dopo il successo del primo appuntamento a Vetralla, presso il Museo della Città e del Territorio, la “Banca del Racconto” approda a Tuscania e a Vejano. A Tuscania venerdì 17 dicembre alle 16.30, sarà ospite del Centro Anziani di via Marconi 2 con un incontro sulle memorie del terremoto del 1971. Il 18 dicembre alle 17.00 sarà invece a Vejano, sempre presso il Centro Anziani in via della Repubblica, sui ricordi dei bombardamenti del 5 giugno 1944.

A Tuscania il trauma è recente. Una catastrofe voluta da madre-Natura-matrigna: il terremoto. Nel 1971, il 6 febbraio, giorno di carnevale. L'Italia di un Dopostoria consumista e omologato già volto sul baratro della Prima Recessione post-Boom economico. Immagine-simbolo: lo splendido rosone di San Pietro miseramente precipitato a terra -quel rosone immortalato dall'obiettivo di Pier Paolo Pasolini in Uccellacci e uccellini appena 6 anni prima, con Totò frate Ciccillo e frate Ninetto Davoli francescanamente danzanti sul sagrato, intenti a convertire passeri-. E ancora: il centro storico in macerie; Disperazione e morti; e tutto quel che ne seguì: a community emergency deported in suburban pulled up in a hurry, a beautiful old historic and monumental desert for years .. and what remains? In
local elderly centers, try to recall it and tell a bit 'and telling a little improvising, with the prose of the memories and the great poets of the eighth arm Tuscanese the past: the actor Peter Benedetti-Tuscanese anagrafe and heart - and the poet-painter-Ennio De Santis Tuscanese adoption, but now the historical memory of the village of Maremma: Ennio moved to Tuscania few years after the trauma. The two special guests in the heart of a special replica of the show "Give ear, my dear hearers," journey into the world of folk poetry eighth in rhyme, by the Band of the Tale-Antonello Ricci, Alfonso Prota, Cicchetti, Olindo. The replica is entitled: In the year one thousand nine ... the earthquake in Tuscania. During the performance, Ricci & Co. also will re-verse of the unforgettable Montesi, Meloni, Greaves, forty-eight ... A

Vejano to relive the trauma of the passage of the war front in the heart of Tuscia. It was 1944. Remember the war as those who lived and suffered, men and women who are now eighty at least 80 years. But in those days, terrible and wonderful, airy Farfarello were ageless. Picari thrown into the adventure of life, whose eyes could pierce the most raw and bared the truth of life and death. Thus, before the recorder on, under a hail of bombs and huge glittering under the bursts of machine guns, in the midst of disfigured corpses, rotting and bloody, amid the smoking ruins of their beloved country razed half-buried in the rubble moral horror of a country-unfortunately crashed, make their way here unexpected awe and wonder, smiles and laughter, fantastic paradoxes and bawdy laugh. Pity. We speak with tenderness, because where the greater the danger, that is where salvation grows. Because life does not always give up and start again.

As in any self-respecting psychodrama, local communities, who had entrusted their stories and their lives to the Bank tellers of the tale, will attend a return-staging of his own voice and memory. In the form of reading, theater, storytelling, spectators will attend the return of his odyssey in story form.
A Vejano in front with the choir and anonymous, and exuberant life, the old format of the Senior Citizens Center, as in the auditorium of a theater greek, relive the tragedy of the devastating bombing on June 5, 1944. On stage Alfonso Prota, Antonello Ricci and Marco D'Aureli

The Bank Story is a project conceived and edited by Alfonso Prota and Antonello Ricci, with the help of the Cultural Routes - ARCI-and in collaboration with the STAF Soc ar.l. Viterbo.

The project, operational since 2008, involved the cooperation of Prof. Marcello Arduini-Professor of Cultural Anthropology, University of Tuscia, Dr. Mark D'Aureli-Director of the Museum of the Earth and Latera Cell-banditry, Stefano Frateiacci-and layout-produced publications, the publisher and editor of the theater group Ghaleb Bank Story for the phase of "restitution."

Monday, December 13, 2010

Niñas Follando Con Mayores

Enel: the lies have short legs

Mercure Central, Forum Stefano Gioia, Enel supporters of the lies have short legs

The Janez Potočnik European Commissioner thanked the Hon. De Magistris returns and asks for clarification on Italy's Enel Central Valley Mercure. It then begins to shake the specter of legal action against infringements of Community rules. With all due respect Enel and its supporters on their backs, first of all, the mayor of Castelluccio bottom, which had straparlato an endorsement of the European Commission to the predatory and devastating power plant project. Lies have short legs and so do not go far. Enel things continue to get worse and worse, after numerous appeals against the decision giving authorization granted by the Region of Calabria, which had aroused so much noise and confusion at the apparent support for the thesis, as Enel, unsustainable and indefensible. Complaints from the Basilicata Region, the Park Board, trade unions, environmental organizations, united not only in defense of the interests and rights of the people of the Valley but also the principles of legality and justice. But also central to the forefront in the Regional Council, which is expected to debate on a motion tabled by. MimmoTalarico, precisely on the center of the Mercure. The initiative brings the political agenda at last a problem that can not be declassified in fact purely technical, though remains totally unacceptable in this context. Scopelliti said the President, for lack of authorization to Enel of red, having heard the voice of the people: we hope that those in Mercure CONSIDERED are deserving of equal attention and bearers of equal rights. As a forum we hope that the story of mercury are widely discussed and that there are insights and weighted due to which we believe we can make a useful contribution, in order to reach resolutions large, shared, not forced into the logic of party affiliations, but oriented to the exclusive interest of the people of the Valley. [Castrovillari 12/12/2010 - Forum "Stephanie Joy" and Associations of Calabria and Basilicata - the protection of legality and the territory]

Chalice In Poptropica

Lucan Parks: Will a new Tibet? Felice Turturiello

The news of the big ones. After the eggs of stone, the rides for the Titans and the amphitheatres plant on the banks of rivers Lucan, and political leaders here that they thought the National Park of the Val-Lucano d’Agri potesse rinascere un nuovo Tibet. L’iniziativa pilota, prima che un Monastero venga edificato per accogliere il Dalai Lama in pensione, è un Ponte Tibetano.
Ecco quindi bandito un concorso internazionale (cinesi esclusi) per la costruzione di un Ponte Tibetano, che anticipa quello per il Monastero Zen. La zona scelta per  il Ponte
, una delle ultime rimaste intatte, è quella delle selvagge gole del Racanello, follia finanziata dal Programma Operativo val d’Agri, che tutto ha fin qui previsto fuorchè investimenti per tutelare questo prezioso eco-sistema.
Per non scontentare i cinesi, la macchia mediterranea attorno al ponte verrà uprooted and bamboo will be planted in its place with the introduction of giant pandas, to the delight of children and images of hunters. And just like the pope the Dalai Lama, with Sari and orange cap, was seen wandering alone on Racanelli.
Seriously, spending on the project of one million euros. The bridge is intended to connect the historic center of Castel Sara-ceno the ridge of the Castle and the Old Man Mountain Raparo. Project part of the proposed three-year public works (2010-2013) to be carried out with national funds in the software package tourism Lagonegrese Val d'Agri.
would useful for the Ministry of Environment, not to be accused of not blame her, the one million euro it could be fair-forth as favoritism, advised the leaders of the park to invest money in programs to preserve the biotic communities in it exist. Warning that the plans for tourism development are adjacent to or outside protected areas to be enhanced.
A natural park is a developing industry, but the heart of development. The point around which to build strong economies without altering my functions. On the way to a heart that can withstand an athlete in the effort. The physicist may change, but the heart must never change. That these managers should reconsider their position and their role.
A nature park management can not be managed, but through the experience of someone who protects nature. Zoology, ethology, ecosystem, biodiversity, etc.. are a few terms of an exact science. Each branch of this science has its experts and their methodologies. Combine these features, pay for those skills within a protected area, comes before any other action.
parks in Spain, as the Coto Donana, are handled in that manner. We take them from young specimens of Egyptian vultures, griffon vultures, to repopulate areas where they became extinct. And 'even this industry development. Think about the first to throw away valuable resources chasing a dream Himalayan.
, L ' Press Officer prov. Wilderness SA
Felice Turturiello

Sunday, December 12, 2010

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Parks e. .. speculation: a meeting of the APT Power

from the site of environmental Ola

December 12, 2010

[Ipse dixit] In the hall of the "Park Motel" were Only experts convened by the manager director of APT, Giampero Perri (Basilicata Tourism Promotion Agency) who presented some of the new projects fall within the new business parks: a mountain to slide Viggiano in the National Park Appennino Lucano, a path through the trees to Terranova di Pollino (Pollino National Park) a skyftier (a sort of cable car) in San Costantino Albanian (Pollino National Park.) Projects those financed by European funds and regional. During the day, during which the call alle finalità dei parchi é sembrato essere solo il nome della struttura ospitante (Motel Park), Perri ha affermato:  “ é importante non imbruttire né avvelenare il paesaggio, instaurando un corretto rapporto tra l’uomo e l’ambiente

“.  Non pensiamo che questa affermazione facesse riferimento alla grave situazione  in cui versano le aree protette regionali e nazionali in Basilicata, ad iniziare dalle trivellazioni petrolifere nel parco nazionale Appennino Lucano Val d’Agri Lagonegrese, alle installazioni eoliche, o le ”cattedrali del deserto” quali Arte Pollino e Grandi Attractors (giant eggs, vegetable theater, cinema of land, etc, etc) bankruptcy or other models already applied in our parks that have given opportunities to develop a small circle of friends and leaving the conocenti teritorio degradation, and all'abbansono underdevelopment, forcing HR to emigrate nonostranete opportunities in the area, such as spot (millionaire) Gattuso of the player that nobody has ever seen, the paths of the Pollino gold, 500 million to benefinicio ECOFIN rather than relying to local associations, the expectations of the tourism project at the school society, "the Flowers" Milestones of the lira, projects deer, griffins, wolves that remained in a scientific and popular, the visitor centers used for "Parking" the LSU, in materials with unnecessary and badly done, the Plan to train roared and other facilities, bike lanes "highway" style "of the hamster wheel," the unnecessary Multifunctional Campotenese, hiking in reinforced concrete structures in the River Valley Argentina, although the park has already carried out several concrete structures and the historical centers from falling to pieces, parking lots, green gyms, baths Plan Visitone, Piano Ruggio, Pedarreto, etc

Oregon Supervising Electrical Exam

regular communication AIW

regular communication AIW

Murialdo, December 12, 2010

During a trip to a known habitat of Yew (Taxus baccata
) located in the area Ernici Mountains Wilderness East, the President and Secretary General were able to discover its presence. ultra-millenary of a specimen to be considered both for its size (3.70 m circumference) for both the vegetative state it presents. The habitat will soon be brought to the Commune of Sora as Area of \u200b\u200binternal Environmental Protection Area Wilderness.
2. The wheat sown in the soil dell'AIW Pescasseroli has already appeared in large quantities despite the delay in the transaction was made. In spring we will better see the result of the initiative. Meanwhile, "Lillino" Finamore has reinforced the fence, which had been loosened during planting because of the difficulty of movement of the tractor.
3. The minority
City Council Murialdo, for reasons not spelled out when it rejected the proposed extension to the River Wilderness Area Bormida Bric Tions while claiming to share the purpose, has triggered a controversy with the General Secretariat pretext dell'AIW for having allowed this to criticize their rejection. After a series of open letters also go in the local press, the controversy has gone off to ... no arguments (as those put forward only a mere political polemic.)
The Ministry of the Environment wrote to the Region of Basilicata and the National Park of Val d'Agri-Lucano-Lagonegrese on all'esposto dell'AIW against a proposed wind farm in the area where it nests the only copy Egyptian vulture of the South, asking questions and feeling the need comply with the laws of conservation regulations.
The Calabria Region has written to the Pollino National Park on all'esposto dell'AIW (General Secretariat, but also Section Salernitana) to the proposed paths in the valley of Argentina with implementation of concrete bridges, asking for clarifications facemdo that the works involving the "Zone A" of the Park.
The Ministry of the Environment wrote to the Region of Lazio on all'esposto dell'AIW against a solar power station project in the area next to the SPA Ernici Mountains (and Mountains Wilderness Area Ernici East), warning of the need to respect the commitments of constraint of the SPA, even if the location is just next to its borders (because it provides a ministerial decree in this regard).
7. The sector
Rosskopf expansion Wilderness Area The Mainarde was finally mapped during a meeting with the technical department of the City of St. Biagio Saracinisco. Its exact extent is 1,480 acres, of which 860 in the Abruzzo National Park and 620 acres outside it in its protection zone. This part is also divided into 220 hectares and 400 hectares of Oasis Wildlife Wildlife-Hunting Company. During the meeting, were also set inside the Area of \u200b\u200bEnvironmental Protection Area Wilderness, which are 2 for a total of 1,050 hectares.
during a technical inspection for the exact scope and extent of new wilderness areas designated by the City of Petina (Salerno) is unfortunately apparent that the largest and most beautiful of them, that of Alburni, is actually split in half by a dirt road! This implies that the wilderness areas designated by that district are not plus 4, but 5. Here is their follow-up: Alburni Mountains Wilderness Area, 650 hectares with an Area of \u200b\u200bEnvironmental Protection Safe inside of 400 hectares, Serra Carpineto Wilderness Area (the new one), of 290 hectares with 90 hectares of ZTA; Forloso Mountain Wilderness Area of 580 hectares, 290 hectares of ZTA; Sant'Onofrio Valley Wilderness Area, 400 acres, with two HAZ of 220 hectares. Please note that the City had also merged with another 30 hectares River Wilderness Area Tanagra.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Rash... More Condition_symptoms

screening of the movie do you know me. Join the director Valerio Jalongo

The show Italy is not seen nationally organized UCC and in the province of Viterbo AUCS Arci and closes the session in December with an important meeting for reflection on the crisis in cinema and cultural policies in Italy. Join Jalongo Valerio, director and star of the movement Centoautori, which has always defended the quality and capacity of the national film production. His last ... movie School's Out.
The director will also attend a scheduled meeting on December 16 at the Cultural Heritage, which will address the theme of the decline of the promotion of cultural policies in Italy.

THE FILM "Of what do you know me" begins as an investigation into one of the many mysteries of the seventies. But unlike other Italian mysteries without solution, here there are no bodies, no murder. But there is a sudden, rapid decline of a film that for decades has dominated the international scene. How could this happen? Who or what killed the great Italian cinema? This question takes us on a journey rich in valuable and original thinking: Mario Monicelli by Wim Wenders, from Dino De Laurentiis to Andreotti, Ken Loach and many Italian directors.
include interviews, archival material and clips from famous movies, the survey begins by retracing in reverse the fortunes of our cinema in the Seventies by identifying the turning point for a film that, from the neorealism on, had not only achieved international recognition and prestige, but also excellent commercial success both at home and abroad.
In the midst of such desolation emerges almost heroic figures, as the intrepid manager of the historic movie theater in Milan that Mexico has taken in planning for months "The Wind Blows Round" by George Straight, eldery projectionist walking Calabria, or Lucan the collector who has collected over the years in an old barn thousands of rare films. Among the many pieces of the puzzle that make up the crime perfect perpetrated on Italian cinema, the film also reminds us of an episode Jalongo almost forgot: the legal battle for advertising movies on television, which saw some oppose directors, including Fellini himself to television channels owned by the ' Current President of the Council.
Entrance 4 €, reduced tile arch and university students
2.50 For info: ch? V = YmRoi_BI - The

Friday, December 10, 2010

Running On Your Period

Gingerbread men!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Sauderfurniture In Fox Valley,ill.

On December 9, "Brothers of Italy" by Branko Schmidt Part

Continue the review Viterbo Italy is not seen promoted a livello nazionale dall'UCCA e organizzata a livello provinciale da Arci Viterbo e Aucs.
Giovedì 9 Dicembre alle 21:00 al Cinema Trieste verrà proiettato il docufilm Fratelli d'Italia di Claudio Giovannesi.
Alin Delbaci, 17 anni, rumeno, vive in Italia da quattro anni. Ha un rapporto conflittuale con i compagni di classe e con la professoressa di italiano.
Masha Carbonetti, 18 anni, bielorussa, adottata da una famiglia italiana. Vorrebbe partire per incontrare suo fratello, che è rimasto in Bielorussia.
Nader Sarhan, 16 anni, egiziano nato a Roma. E' fidanzato con una ragazza italiana contro il volere dei suoi genitori.

“Claudio Giovannesi (...) He began to stalk, as taught Zavattini, three students of the Technical Toscanelli of Ostia, continuing the work started with "Welcome Bucharest", another very popular and award-winning documentary (...) The result was a lively and interesting film, "Brothers of Italy", which is a bit 'the Italian answer to "The Class" by Cantet (...) Love always to be invented that binds those who teach and learners (...) hope to see him in many films. "
(Fabio Ferzetti, "Il Messaggero", 21 October 2009)
The film was in the
Rome International Film Festival in the Documentary Competition L'Altro Cinema - Extra.
Entrance 4 €, reduced with pass arch
For info on the film

http://fratelliditaliailfi / ch? v = YXtgSSDX4Rw

Friday, December 3, 2010

What Each Color Rubber Braclet Means

New wilderness areas outside the Park of Abruzzo

Continue the designation of wilderness areas in mountainous areas outside the Park of Abruzzo. Such a measure of protection of nature, an alternative to the enlargement of the National Park, takes place through the direct involvement of municipalities nell'autotutela of its territory in collaboration with the AIW. E 'on the table, for Lazio, the proposed holding a regional wilderness areas also establishing a compensation to municipalities that agree to put conservation restrictions on their territory, as a measure democratica tesa a favorire la partecipazione della comunità locale alle misure di salvaguardia...


Nell’ambito del Parco Nazionale d’Abruzzo ed al suo esterno
Rosskopf - photo by F. Zunino

The City of San Biagio Saracinisco, by resolution of the City Council unanimously approved on 29 November approved the designated Wilderness Area Rosskopf (part of the largest and most comprehensive Mainarde The Wilderness Area, the first sector which was appointed by the neighboring City of Vallerotonda in 2008).
The new Wilderness Area is to expand on one of the most scenic, beautiful and wild Val Comino, including the river valleys and plateaus and valleys Monacesca Venafrana, separate dalla cima del Monte Cavallo, col vicino Monte Forcellone uno dei più svettanti di tutta
la Val
Le due valli, in una delle quali scorre l’impetuoso Rio Chiaro affluente del Fiume Volturno, ricadono in gran parte nei limiti del Parco Nazionale d’Abruzzo, ma si completano all’esterno, con un tutt’uno geografico ed ambientale di estremo valore anche sotto il punto di vista della biodiversità e quale habitat primario per la vita dell’Orso bruno marsicano e del Camoscio d’Abruzzo. Nell’area sono inoltre presenti  importanti biotopi vegetazionali con specie rare ed endemiche della flora appenninica. Anche per questo il Consiglio comunale ha stabilito di consider a contribution to the Wilderness Area of \u200b\u200bthe City of St. Biagio Saracinisco to 'International Year of Biodiversity
UNs this 2010.
What has been decided by St. Biagio Saracinisco is a major step towards a decision to safeguard the City no longer wishes to delegate to the National Park only, but also do so directly as its own intention and conservative management. The Horse Mountain Wilderness Area covers about 1,400 hectares , of \u200b\u200bwhich about half and half in the park beyond. The outdoor area is part of the wildlife-Hunting "White Water". This new area of \u200b\u200bArea Wilderness complements that of Mainarde already decided in 2008 by the neighboring City of Vallerotonda, which leads the Wilderness Area to a total of approximately 2,200 hectares in size, an area that could eventually be still enlarged from other neighboring towns, such Picinisco, Pizzone, Castel S. Vincent, Rocchetta a Volturno and singles.
The City of St. Biagio Saracinisco is today one of the greener side of Frosinone in the Park, having already been designated also another, though modest, extending the White Mountains Wilderness Area at the time designated by the City of St. Elijah Fiumerapido, when in 2007 there brings together the impressive Monte Rotolo.
The Italian Association for the Wilderness is preparing to submit a regional law, should be approved as we hope and as many as 19 municipalities have called for Lazio with the positions they favor, give recognition regional realities, including encouragement of economic compensation for Designating Communities as well as premium contributions for autonomous action to preserve the land and the environment put in place, and for those of management as collateral for any reimbursement to the shepherds worsening of use.
Murialdo, December 3, 2010 ; ; THE SECRETARY-GENERAL

; ;                                                  Franco Zunino

Congratulation Quotes On Promotion

regular communication AIW

Murialdo, 3 Dicembre 2010
Continue the assault to the National Parks of the South now between the Apennines and the Pollino Lucan was put out a call for the creation of a Tibetan bridge "in a beautiful wild canyon. The AIW has sent a protest letter to the two parks, to the competent Ministries and the Region Basilicata, taking the opportunity to heavy criticism of the Italian way of understanding all the parks as areas for development instead of preservation!
2. part of a
television production that works on behalf of Sky Hunting and Fishing, Franco Zunino was again interviewed on the issue of the Wolf in the Alps The interview will be included in a report on the fauna Western Alps but not be broadcast before a year.
3. E 'submitted a proposal for a Wilderness Area for Val St. Peter (or Vallone Lacerno) of the City of Pescosolido (Frosinone). As in other cases they are di un territorio subito esterno al Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo, ed un completamento della Serra Lunga oltre che dell'Area Wilderness Il Lacerno già deliberata dal limitrofo Comune di Campoli Appennino. La proposta riguarda un territorio massimo di circa 2.800 ettari. Il Sindaco sembrerebbe intenzionato a portare in Consiglio la proposta entro tempi molto brevi. La tutela della Val San Pietro è stata uno degli obiettivi primari dell'Associazione Wilderness fin dalla sua nascita.
4.  A riprova della tesi di Franco Zunino sul fatto che il Lupo sarebbe prima o poi giunto nel savonese e nelle Valli Bormida, ma con provenienza dalle Alpi cuneesi and French and not by the Apennines as they would like the proponents of "a wolf in any but that there is a wolf with whom they have accepted certification" scientific "to the thesis that the wolf had come from the Apennines of the western Alps and not introduced from disastrous releases of various phenotypes on the French side, another story has come to confirm this: on November 24 last two wolves attempted to attack two hunting dogs near the country house of Calizzano, high Val Bormida of Murialdo, bordering the province of Cuneo. On has been re-issued a press release.
5. The City of Murialdo dell'AIW proposal on November 30 last year approved the expansion of Wilderness in the private sector
Ziona Bric Bric dell'AIW Farian,
which has merged two , 3 km of the river in this stretch Bormida that runs through a deep gorge between a road and the slopes of the mountain and then back to Zion and Bric Farian. With this extension today Wilderness Area covers a total of 95.5 hectares. The stretch of river is bound merged as a fishing area "no kill". Only downside of this resolution was the unexpected opposition of the minority. City Council all'AIW has also allocated a contribution to the creation of posters.
6. The same day the City of St. Biagio Saracinisco (Frosinone) approved the designation of an area known as Wilderness Area Rosskopf as Mainarde The extension to the existing Wilderness Area: about 1500 hectares, of which one half falling within the National Park ' Abruzzo and the other half outside it. More precise information regarding will be given shortly. This, this, of an unexpected success due to the expansionist policy of the Park, all shared policy by municipalities. The area of \u200b\u200bthe Area Wilderness is one of the most beautiful and wild areas of the Park, including the Valleys and Monacesca Venafrana or Rio Chiaro, all primary habitat of the brown Marsicano. Overall, the Wilderness Area The Mainarde now extends to some 2,400 hectares.
7. Both the City of Rocchetta e Croce (CE) is to Venafro (Isernia) contacted regarding reiterated their intention to reach their fields early in the designation of Wilderness Areas. In the first case would be expanded Wilderness Area Monte Maggiore, in the second case that of the Monte Sammucro.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Db Artist Design System

L'intelligenza non c'entra nulla con un paio di fondi di bottiglia

♥Focus Per lei su Paperblog♥
Allora, sfatiamo un mito. L'intelligenza non c'entra nulla con un paio di fondi di bottiglia davanti agli occhi, una sciarpa troppo lunga that collect dust on the floor, dirty hair loosely tied back in a clamp fluo. Days ago, the University, a student sloppy and features that usually follows a severe course with me, looking agitated the classroom where the lesson would be held, exceptionally, because employment and in finding the closed door, annoyed, is ran away, returning after a few seconds with a caretaker who was asked to open it. I never stopped to look at first: it made me somewhat uncomfortable. I wondered why. In short, because I infastiva much? The reason is that it says so, too, that in our society the woman is reduced to one body and bla bla bla. However, the point-as always- never fail to hit it. There was a great trick in the look of this student was not bad, but tried to be, fully reflects the cliché of the intellectual-mussel. And I thought that the real offense, we should be indignant in the face, is the fact that, to show intelligent thoughtful intellectuals competent, is still considered necessary to deny their femininity, hide the femininity that we all naturally have, humiliate her. But really, why do the same mistake again? Why we must be good for as little as possible to resemble the common idea of \u200b\u200ba woman? Why must still be a dominant male paradigm of intelligence?
PS Someone move objections: I will answer in future posts.

1922 Ford Coupe Clipart

POLLIN ... you go - Luigi Apicella, AIW section of Salerno

If you Google Earth the "Contrada Falconara" Terranova di Pollino (PZ), still you will see, will not update until the satellite photos, a place that in August this year no longer exists: there is now a huge snake of asphalt over 1200mt wide in some corners of 15m. This new road full of bumps and pits in concrete, salt 1300mt from herds Plan to over 1500m below Toppo Vuturo of penetrating directly into the wildest area of \u200b\u200bthe peaks of the Pollino area SIC (Site of Community Importance) IT9210075 "Lake Dughi - Casino Toscano" an area of \u200b\u200bthe Pollino National Park. All this in a few days began in August 2010, covered by the holidays, work diligently with finished surface of asphalt in October (maybe we should proceed with these rhythms on the A3 SA / RC !!!).
For Ente Parco Nazionale del Pollino is progress, dissemination and promotion of tourism, see:
· ; Il megamilionario progetto del centro Polifunzionale del Campotenese;
L’areo progetto di una passerella sopra gli alberi presso il rifugio segheria a Terranova di Pollino;
·           Il megatubo di acciaio di oltre 2 Km usato come scivolo a Viggianello;
·           L’impianto monofune per salto nel vuoto a San Costantino Albanese;
E se ciò non ci aiutasse a contemplare le bellezze della nostra natura, non c’è problema  c’è l’Arte Pollino! Una serie di opere del programma “ sensi contemporanei” promosso da Regione Basilicata, Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia.
Si va dal “Earth Cinema” di Anish Kapoor : “ un taglio nel terreno di 45mt accessibile da entrambi i lati, all’interno del quale una lunga feritoia permette di vedere lo  straordinario natural feeling part of it!?! (Note Councillor Fausto De Maria - from ).
It will only take a lot of imagination because not only the entire structure is reinforced concrete, but also the "window on nature" is virtually carpeted with biaccatura!
Continuing with the work "RB RIDE" Carsten Holler at the outskirts of San Severino, a ride up on a secluded and scenic Timpa. "Local communities need to get in touch with the artists ... realizing that the territory must be told from their point of view to promote a new vision and unconditional "(!?!) (Caterina Seia - from
words inspired perhaps something. The third work, "Theater Plant" by Giuseppe Penone, as disclosed in Hannover (March 2, 2009) and Monaco of Bavaria ( ) and described as finite in reality was already blocked by ; Judiciary since made huge excavation work in the bed of Sermento. The very nature of the broad stream will re-create the balance and will obviate all the funds disbursed. But the top
which fortunately has not yet taken off is the gargantuan Nils Udo project, which through Casa del Conte di Pollino Terranova, had the brilliant inspiration of "gigantic figure 5 eggs, as a kind of nest located on the enchanting Capavola Stone, visible from afar and to give such a strong emotion to tourists "not to visit a sanctuary of nature, but rather the entry of a giant Amusement Park, the new Pollinandia!
If that's not yet convinced us that our last frontier, the wildest area of \u200b\u200bsouthern Europe is exhaling its last breath to make us reflect catiere Orsomarso wanted and designed by the Park Board: A coup de grace to the most sacred symbol della nostra eredità naturalistica “ il cuore della Valle dell’Argentino”(*4). Otto attraversamenti del fiume su tubi per il deflusso dell’acqua per la costruzione di quindici pilastri in cemento armato su cui si porranno sette ponti. Quale simile oltraggio, tra l’altro finanziato con fondi Europei, poteva qualificarsi con il titolo
Per noi del gruppo Wilderness Salerno il rimorso maggiore è quello di non aver fatto il possibile per far conoscere ai nostri nipoti il Pollino selvaggio come noi l’abbiamo conosciuto.
 Per la sezione Wilderness di Salerno
Luigi Apicella