regular communication AIW
Murialdo, 3 Dicembre 2010
Continue the assault to the National Parks of the South now between the Apennines and the Pollino Lucan was put out a call for the creation of a Tibetan bridge "in a beautiful wild canyon. The AIW has sent a protest letter to the two parks, to the competent Ministries and the Region Basilicata, taking the opportunity to heavy criticism of the Italian way of understanding all the parks as areas for development instead of preservation!
2. part of a
television production that works on behalf of Sky Hunting and Fishing, Franco Zunino was again interviewed on the issue of the Wolf in the Alps The interview will be included in a report on the fauna Western Alps but not be broadcast before a year.
3. E 'submitted a proposal for a Wilderness Area for Val St. Peter (or Vallone Lacerno) of the City of Pescosolido (Frosinone). As in other cases they are di un territorio subito esterno al Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo, ed un completamento della Serra Lunga oltre che dell'Area Wilderness Il Lacerno già deliberata dal limitrofo Comune di Campoli Appennino. La proposta riguarda un territorio massimo di circa 2.800 ettari. Il Sindaco sembrerebbe intenzionato a portare in Consiglio la proposta entro tempi molto brevi. La tutela della Val San Pietro è stata uno degli obiettivi primari dell'Associazione Wilderness fin dalla sua nascita.
4. A riprova della tesi di Franco Zunino sul fatto che il Lupo sarebbe prima o poi giunto nel savonese e nelle Valli Bormida, ma con provenienza dalle Alpi cuneesi and French and not by the Apennines as they would like the proponents of "a wolf in any but that there is a wolf with whom they have accepted certification" scientific "to the thesis that the wolf had come from the Apennines of the western Alps and not introduced from disastrous releases of various phenotypes on the French side, another story has come to confirm this: on November 24 last two wolves attempted to attack two hunting dogs near the country house of Calizzano, high Val Bormida of Murialdo, bordering the province of Cuneo. On has been re-issued a press release.
5. The City of Murialdo dell'AIW proposal on November 30 last year approved the expansion of Wilderness in the private sector
Ziona Bric Bric dell'AIW Farian,
which has merged two , 3 km of the river in this stretch Bormida that runs through a deep gorge between a road and the slopes of the mountain and then back to Zion and Bric Farian. With this extension today Wilderness Area covers a total of 95.5 hectares. The stretch of river is bound merged as a fishing area "no kill". Only downside of this resolution was the unexpected opposition of the minority. City Council all'AIW has also allocated a contribution to the creation of posters.
6. The same day the City of St. Biagio Saracinisco (Frosinone) approved the designation of an area known as Wilderness Area Rosskopf as Mainarde The extension to the existing Wilderness Area: about 1500 hectares, of which one half falling within the National Park ' Abruzzo and the other half outside it. More precise information regarding will be given shortly. This, this, of an unexpected success due to the expansionist policy of the Park, all shared policy by municipalities. The area of \u200b\u200bthe Area Wilderness is one of the most beautiful and wild areas of the Park, including the Valleys and Monacesca Venafrana or Rio Chiaro, all primary habitat of the brown Marsicano. Overall, the Wilderness Area The Mainarde now extends to some 2,400 hectares.
7. Both the City of Rocchetta e Croce (CE) is to Venafro (Isernia) contacted regarding reiterated their intention to reach their fields early in the designation of Wilderness Areas. In the first case would be expanded Wilderness Area Monte Maggiore, in the second case that of the Monte Sammucro.
L'intelligenza non c'entra nulla con un paio di fondi di bottiglia
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Allora, sfatiamo un mito. L'intelligenza non c'entra nulla con un paio di fondi di bottiglia davanti agli occhi, una sciarpa troppo lunga that collect dust on the floor, dirty hair loosely tied back in a clamp fluo. Days ago, the University, a student sloppy and features that usually follows a severe course with me, looking agitated the classroom where the lesson would be held, exceptionally, because employment and in finding the closed door, annoyed, is ran away, returning after a few seconds with a caretaker who was asked to open it. I never stopped to look at first: it made me somewhat uncomfortable. I wondered why. In short, because I infastiva much? The reason is that it says so, too, that in our society the woman is reduced to one body and bla bla bla. However, the point-as always- never fail to hit it. There was a great trick in the look of this student was not bad, but tried to be, fully reflects the cliché of the intellectual-mussel. And I thought that the real offense, we should be indignant in the face, is the fact that, to show
intelligent thoughtful intellectuals competent, is still considered necessary to deny their femininity, hide the femininity that we all naturally have, humiliate her. But really, why do the same mistake again? Why we must be good for as little as possible to resemble the common idea of \u200b\u200ba woman? Why must still be a dominant male paradigm
of intelligence?
PS Someone move objections: I will answer in future posts.
POLLIN ... you go - Luigi Apicella, AIW section of Salerno
If you Google Earth the "Contrada Falconara" Terranova di Pollino (PZ), still you will see, will not update until the satellite photos, a place that in August this year no longer exists: there is now a huge snake of asphalt over 1200mt wide in some corners of 15m. This new road full of bumps and pits in concrete, salt 1300mt from herds Plan to over 1500m below Toppo Vuturo of penetrating directly into the wildest area of \u200b\u200bthe peaks of the Pollino area SIC (Site of Community Importance) IT9210075 "Lake Dughi - Casino Toscano" an area of \u200b\u200bthe Pollino National Park. All this in a few days began in August 2010, covered by the holidays, work diligently with finished surface of asphalt in October (maybe we should proceed with these rhythms on the A3 SA / RC !!!).
For Ente Parco Nazionale del Pollino is progress, dissemination and promotion of tourism, see:
Il megamilionario progetto del centro Polifunzionale del Campotenese;
L’areo progetto di una passerella sopra gli alberi presso il rifugio segheria a Terranova di Pollino;
· Il megatubo di acciaio di oltre 2 Km usato come scivolo a Viggianello;
· L’impianto monofune per salto nel vuoto a San Costantino Albanese;
E se ciò non ci aiutasse a contemplare le bellezze della nostra natura, non c’è problema c’è l’Arte Pollino! Una serie di opere del programma “ sensi contemporanei” promosso da Regione Basilicata, Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia.
Si va dal “Earth Cinema” di Anish Kapoor : “ un taglio nel terreno di 45mt accessibile da entrambi i lati, all’interno del quale una lunga feritoia permette di vedere lo straordinario natural feeling part of it!?! (Note Councillor Fausto De Maria - from ).
It will only take a lot of imagination because not only the entire structure is reinforced concrete, but also the "window on nature" is virtually carpeted with biaccatura!
Continuing with the work "RB RIDE" Carsten Holler at the outskirts of San Severino, a ride up on a secluded and scenic Timpa. "Local communities need to get in touch with the artists ... realizing that the territory must be told from their point of view to promote a new vision and unconditional "(!?!) (Caterina Seia - from
words inspired perhaps something.
The third work, "Theater Plant" by Giuseppe Penone, as disclosed in Hannover (March 2, 2009) and Monaco of Bavaria ( ) and described as finite in reality was already blocked by ; Judiciary since made huge excavation work in the bed of Sermento. The very nature of the broad stream will re-create the balance and will obviate all the funds disbursed. But the top
which fortunately has not yet taken off is the gargantuan Nils Udo project, which through Casa del Conte di Pollino Terranova, had the brilliant inspiration of "gigantic figure 5 eggs, as a kind of nest located on the enchanting Capavola Stone, visible from afar and to give such a strong emotion to tourists "not to visit a sanctuary of nature, but rather the entry of a giant Amusement Park, the new Pollinandia!
If that's not yet convinced us that our last frontier, the wildest area of \u200b\u200bsouthern Europe is exhaling its last breath to make us reflect catiere Orsomarso wanted and designed by the Park Board: A coup de grace to the most sacred symbol della nostra eredità naturalistica “ il cuore della Valle dell’Argentino”(*4). Otto attraversamenti del fiume su tubi per il deflusso dell’acqua per la costruzione di quindici pilastri in cemento armato su cui si porranno sette ponti.
Quale simile oltraggio, tra l’altro finanziato con fondi Europei, poteva qualificarsi con il titolo
Per noi del gruppo Wilderness Salerno il rimorso maggiore è quello di non aver fatto il possibile per far conoscere ai nostri nipoti il Pollino selvaggio come noi l’abbiamo conosciuto.
Per la sezione Wilderness di Salerno
Luigi Apicella