Monday, December 27, 2010

Zepose Diazepam Tablets

Reforestation: do not use pine loricato! Emanuele Pisarra Sig.presidente Ente Parco Nazionale del Pollino 85048 ROUND (PZ)
not use the Pine Loricato! President, learn from media reports and with great joy - at last - the body chaired by you going to start a reforestation project to plant five thousand thanks to financial support of Lottomatica. It is said that reforestation will help reduce greenhouse gases. It is also said that this initiative was held in the spirit of the Kyoto Protocol. Finally, it is stated that among the species used for reforestation will loricato pine.
Regarding the first two points I beg to differ because I think that five thousand plants have no effect and do not reduce if not an infinitesimal percentage of greenhouse gases, while at the same time, many municipalities within the entire perimeter of a Parco1
NOTICE WITH OPEN PROCEDURE - WOODY MATERIAL FOR SALE - "whip-lot coppice woodland Mancosa" (Joint Laino Borgo), who has just tried: the auction was scheduled for last December 9. City of Saratoga, Signature, Verbicaro, Orsomarso Viggianello, Morano Calabro and many others. have issued tenders for the sale of "woody material" is defined as pompously - according to a bureaucratic in vogue since the Fascist militia forest - The sale of public forest areas. Many years ago I worked as a volunteer at the National Park of Abruzzo, where the cutting of forests in some countries of the park was vital, since it served to warm as many municipalities were not connected to the national network of natural gas - and some are not yet all 'now - and yet the direction of the Park was lavish in order not to fell the trees and even
rent, so much so that much of the entity's financial statements was used to compensate the towns. I would have loved that you had used the sum allocated by Lottomatica to buy - for example - what remains of the forests of the Plan Change and Vallone Draw: splendidi paesaggi forestali che molti studiosi da tutto il mondo ci invidiano mentre ora sono sotto minaccia di lame di assordanti motoseghe. Così come penso che il Protocollo di Kyoto sia una “giustificazione” che ci siamo dati per far passare iniziative pleonastiche che non hanno nessun effetto per le quali si dice di essere creato. Su questo argomento potremmo in un altro momento dibattere a lungo. Invece, in questa circostanza mi preme portare alla sua attenzione un fatto che di per se è gravissimo e denota che non avete a cuore le sorti del Parco e del suo simbolo per antonomasia che tutti ci invidiano: il pino loricato. Non molti anni fa (ricordo a memoria) ci fu un convegno sul pino loricato a Morano Calabro dove un noto studioso di questa nostra pianta announced with joy that he had made arrangements with the French Ministry of Forestry to use the plant as loricato pine afforestation in some coastal areas of Brittany overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. This announcement came as a result of a chorus of boos that the student did desist from this evil purpose. We also suffered years of leadership of the Forest Service officials from the culture purely "economic" of wood. As if to say that if we plant a tree after thirty years you can cut and sell the raw material for a tot of money. Surely the revenue loss is far less than the "green" plant: in fact, it has played at the same time hydraulic functions not to bring down the land, played host to many animals who ate its berries have made a nest in its branches many generations of birds and more that makes the ecological value of a single plant at the same time is far superior to the proceeds in cash. Perhaps this should be the spirit of the forest management entity by her chair. Finally, and I am the object of my writing, I ask you to remove from the list of plants used in this reforestation, but also in any other work that you have chaired the Board intends to undertake in the near future, the use of loricato pine. Pine loricato as you know is the symbol of our park.
Pine Lorica is a symbol because it is a unique plant, rare, beautiful and spectacular, being the destination of many (I would add to all) of the visitors who come to ride on our mountains. Not banalizziamolo! Do not use it to mere commercialization, even if for reforestation. Otherwise we can resume contact with the French and sell it to Britain as well as in Corsica or on the cliffs of Amalfi or anyone who requests it. So much so that my concern - that is shared by many of his advisers (Professor Bernard in particular) as well as all the staff of his service to conservation - makes vain any justification in terms of fatigue, ore di cammino, di rarità della pianta se poi girato l’angolo possiamo trovare un pino loricato in vasetto o in fila sui gradoni di un rimboschimento. Teniamolo un po’ più in conto perché è il nostro capitale. Qualcuno sostiene che la bravura di un gestore di parchi così come di un banchiere sta nel saper utilizzare gli interessi senza intaccare il capitale: altrimenti un giorno non avremo né l’uno né l’altro. 
Un caro saluto

Emanuele Pisarra*

*Giornalista ambientale – Guida Ufficiale del Parco nazionale del Pollino – Accademico del GISM (Gruppo Italiano Mountain Writers) - Shareholder Italian Geographical Society


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