Thursday, June 17, 2010

Streaming Nightmare Campus

Bien loving loyal servant - just love and trust serve

Bien loving, loyal servant,
Crida dezir et mis Penas,
es en las arenas seem
or en las Ondas escrevir.
It served as much as
sembrara en la ribera,
keep this reverdesciera
Diera et de fructo yes.
Et aun por Verdat dezir,
yo is so escreviera
en la mar, yo bien podiera
todas las Ondas tenir.

just love and trust to serve, say the sentences
Or else shouting
seminar is in the sand
or ask to write the wave.
If what I did was to serve
seed along the beach,
I am sure it would or would
green fruit of herself;
to want to tell the truth again, when I wrote so much

into the sea, well I could give
's Ink whole wave.



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