AIW youth members ... share of 10 euro!
News. E 'formation of a new category of member AIW: for all young people under 20 and for college students (until completion of studies) the fee is € 10 and entitles you to receive regular news and documents the wilderness (as well a card, status and adhesive).
To pay the membership fee to:
Post Office Account No. 10494672 (made out to the Italian Association for Wilderness, 17013 Murialdo, Savona).
Ordinary Member (at least € 25.00 per year) *
Contributing Member (at least € 75.00 year)
honorary member (at least € 250.00 per year)
Partner & Supporter Guarantor (€ 125.00 per year) **
Partner & Supporter Guarantor (€ 125.00 per year) **
Formal member (at least € 10, 00 per year) ***
Youth Membership (at least € 10.00 per year) ***
* For institutions (government, institutions, associations, clubs, committees, etc.). share shall not be less five times the proportion of ordinary members , that is at least € 125.00 per year.
** Members Supporter and Guarantors shall pay an initial fee of € 150.00 (with 3 members who sign up free of charge), then they have an obligation to renew with the share of Contributing Member (€ 75,00) voluntarily portable to € 100.00 with free membership of a member. They form a "Council for the Wilderness" of the Executive Council. Membership entitles you to a pin in silver and gold logo with the Wilderness. The same right enjoyed by the Contributing Members who request them.
*** Formal Members and Youth Members are not entitled to vote at the Meeting, nor , first, to receive the socialist period, which will be sent to them, however, groups, clubs or sections of belonging. Formal Members will gain the right to vote in the Assembly and to receive regular social event supplement their registration fee making it equal to the Ordinary Members. The Youth Members shall cease to be regarded as such after the age of 20 years or the termination of the university during the school year, with the obligation to integrate their registration fee equal to making Ordinary Members.
The force of ideas is based on the number of people who share
to support our success, to make them even yours, and to make them multiply.
Xavier De Marco, Director of National AIW
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