Dear friends
What's going on in recent months in River Argentine-Orsomarso (CS), one of the most spectacular wilderness areas of southern Italy is unbelievable. After the creation of the Pollino National Park we thought that this valley with its spectacular river was now safe from any risk of tampering with the environment. Unfortunately, just Ente created "ad hoc" for his protection, it's coup de grace, a project to build 11 bridges rather than 10 (so far) in the concrete implementation of which is part of a project called harmless "Argentino River restoration paths place." The realization of this has created an open-air workshop about 3.5 km long on a stretch of river, virtually intact, so far half of naturalists from all over Europe. Now, a dirt road, obtained by breaking a path along the river, trucks trudging on trucks carry material, piers were built in concrete and pipes fell in the river for the crossing of heavy vehicles. A ballast with "gabions" appears along an embankment to avoid collapse and landslide in river. But this is only the tip of the iceberg. The head of the procedure and the project manager and architect. Joseph Bruno, an official of the park of Pollino. Now the lorry retrieved from ancient footpaths only on foot until yesterday, when the site is still, used SUV, off road, 4x4, beginners who are planning to substitute the excitement of the Paris-Dakar plowing difficult terrain. Even here, we did not have believed, began the penetration of vehicles prelude to the transformation of the area counted by the founding fathers dell'AIW Italy in the '80s as one of the areas to be protected absolutely Italian. Thanks to a project conceived and implemented by Ente Parco Nazionale del Pollino, which, ironically, should protect, defend, preserve, all words that have been replaced by a single "use" and that inevitably will end up a better place "Tombstone" on what "era, the Valley of Argentina."
What we naturalists South has always been a source of excitement for its breathtaking scenery starts to become, if all goes well, thanks to European funds, a trivial picnic area. The delegate
dell'AIW Salerno
Alfonso Apicella
- following the complaint sent to: Superintendent Environmental, Calabria Region - Political Department of the Environment, European Commission.
that are also attached.
Salerno, January 22, 2011
; Soprintendenza Beni Ambientali,
Architectural and Artistic
; Piazza Valdesi, 13
87100 Cosenza
Viale Isonzo, 414
Julio Garcia Bourgeois
; ; European Commission
; ; Offences Unit A2
; 200 Rue de la Loi
1049 Bruxelles, Belgio
Oggetto: Continua la lenta agonia del fiume Argentino – Orsomarso (Cs).
La Valle del fiume Argentino “era” una delle aree Wilderness più interessanti del Sud Italia, senz’altro the most beautiful of the Province of Cosenza. Subject of studies by this Section AIW-Campania, is regularly visited by our members and fans to take pictures of nature, clean it from the waste left behind by hikers, to study birds.
The alarm goes off at the end of September 2010, we discovered that they are being "work" unspecified. They are seen trucks go back and cross the river by lorry tracks accessible by opening the old paths, many photos are taken.
On 5 October 2010, part of a complaint at the Police Station of the State Forestry Orsomarso (Cs) to signal the implementation of the river piers of reinforced concrete (we counted twenty-one for a total of ten bridges to be built) in the river Argentino tubes are placed to allow heavy trucks to cross. Is photographed a street parallel to the river construction site.
On 6 October 2010, on the recommendation of the Pollino National Park (in the Valle del Fiume Argentino part) by "Our Italy Pollino" Hannibal Mr. Formica said the director of the Park literally "the concerns expressed by Italy and our other environmental groups are already the attention of my the office. " Unfortunately, research done dall'AIW Campania discover that the project "Restoration of trails in the Valley of Argentina, City of Orsomarso, (Cs) is the same park.
October 8, 2010, information is sent to the Chief of the Forest Service based in Rome, ing. Cesare Patrone, the serious tampering taking place in Argentina, since the Office for the Protection of Biodiversity (UTB) Cosenza is aware of the work and the Valley of Argentina State Nature Reserve in the relevant management offices of CFS (State Forestry). Meanwhile, the bulldozers are advancing more and more inside.
October 11, 2010, a detailed dossier is sent to the Minister for the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea, on. Stefania Prestigiacomo, by dell'AIW Campania. Work is continuing and the area known as the frenetic "Poor Moscow" is now an open-air workshop.
October 15, 2010, the project is to smash the Argentine architect. Joseph Bruno, an official with the National Park of Pollino.
October 26, 2010, the Ministry for the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea - Ufficio Protezione della Natura nella persona del dr. Alessandro La Posta si interessa al caso e chiede informazioni su cosa stia succedendo.
3 novembre 2010, l’AIW di Salerno, Sezione da sempre presente nel Parco Nazionale del Pollino, anche per i gravissimi danni inferti al fiume Argentino chiede al Ministro per l’Ambiente e Tutela del Territorio e del Mare il commissariamento dell’Ente Parco Nazionale del Pollino.
17 novembre 2010, in risposta al Ministero (26 ottobre 2010) l’Ente Parco risponde in merito ai lavori e rimanda alla relazione del responsabile del procedimento, funzionario dell’Ente, arch. Giuseppe Bruno.
3 dicembre 2010, a seguito dell’ennesimo inspection we see that nothing has been done and that even the piers were also built on a tributary of the river Argentino.
December 13, 2010, another survey shows that the tubes placed in the river bed to allow the passage of trucks have been removed, creating large chasms, in fact, the heavy truck hours directly through the river bed by removing the gravel, damaging bentofauna and muddying the water, this has always been crystal clear today has a dirty gray color.
December 27, 2010, now the site is spread over a length of 3.5 km, the old road to all intents and purposes is now a road, we see traces of ATVs everywhere, now the human presence by these means is uncontrollable. This increased human presence makes it extremely hazardous to the presence of pairs of golden eagles nesting within walking distance from work.
January 6, 2011, the shipyard is stopped, the wounds are increasingly visible, was built a bank with artificial gabion wire mesh to contain the landslide of the bank of the river before intact. Continue the slow but steady penetration of off-road in areas previously accessible only by foot.
To date none of these bodies we alerted you left us nothing in defense of what was the Wilderness Area and among the best preserved Southern Italy's most beautiful, enough to be included in the statutory documents of the Italian Association for the Wilderness (AIW), non-profit corporation and NGO, is expressly mentioned in section 3.
In our opinion, regardless of whether or not the intervention of safeguard measures and environmental protection has been authorized to check whether the construction site of the works in the way in which evil has been carried out. In this regard, please find attached photos of the various stages of operation of the site as the installation of pipes in the river, the masts and earthworks caused by these works. Right on the building site the complaint was forwarded to the Command Station Forest Orsomarso. The fact remains that as the works are carried out there is a negative impact on the environment protected.
Achille Cristiani
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