Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cheap Fingerboard For Sale

La ragazza e la valigia

Prima di cominciare, un anno e mezzo fa, il master a Londra, fare la valigia era per me sinonimo di prepararsi a partire per una vacanza. Provavo un particolare entusiasmo nello scegliere cosa portare e quasi trovavo divertente mettermi alla prova nella ricerca della disposizione perfetta da dare ai capi perchè non si sgualcissero ed entrassero tutti in quello spazio limitato. Ora che la valigia la preparo ogni mese, e per raggiungere posti non nuovi, ma ormai familiari, ha perso molto del fascino che aveva ai miei occhi. Se dall'altro lato dell'Europa ciò che ti aspetta è il bilocale che dividi con un'amica di lunga data, non c'è gusto! Che ne è del narcisistico piacere di vedere gli oggetti scelti in fila nel trolley, prova di quanto siamo brave a sopravvivere con l'essenziale concesso dalla compagnia aerea low cost, delle nostre capacità di isolare i maglioncini con della vanitosa carta velina azzurra, della dignità con cui sappiamo affrontare una settimana ad Atene imbellettandoci con i soli mascara e rossetto? D'altronde, avere dimestichezza con i bagagli ha i suoi vantaggi e a partire ogni mese si imparano i trucchi del perfetto packaging. Con l'aiuto della guida Donne con la valigia , regalatami da un'amica e compagna di un indimenticabile (benchè breve) viaggio in the Ville Lumière, today inaugurated the heading "The girl and the suitcase" .*

* I open the book to anyone who wants to treat the topic. A reference to The Guilt'n'Quilt is welcome, as well as reporting (via comment) of your post, which links you willing, I will include in my page.

Friday, January 28, 2011

State Drivers License Templates Free

Official Guides to the Pollino: a reflection of Emanuele Pisarra


Emanuele Pisarra
One January morning we drove along the main street of the Round when he passes a motion of the driver's seat with skill by a skilled female drivers, all yaw in official uniform complete with helmet and badge hanging around his neck.
slowed down to look better this novel pilot and I realize that this is Angela, an Official Guide the Park.
But how?
an official guide who does the postman.
The stationary and after the customary greetings, I ask for explanations for this sudden change in his profession; " why you changed jobs? You're tired of going around our mountains ? "
ever ... But when I answered Angela.
" only that the work of manual does not allow me to carry on the family, so I reluctantly accepted to work as a postman in perpetuity.
Angela is bitter. The way things are going to the park and the park, to be considered as guides in the park: that is nothing. Zero!
" Yet we were in times of great hardship and abandonment of the territory of the points advanced in the promotion, preservation and protection of the territory.
How many times have we - as a result of our continued service in the area - reported havoc, illegal and many more.
That is the reward.
I am very saddened to everything!
In the last wishes of the director of the park for the new job. Instead of worrying about the loss of a guide, compliments. "
Unfortunately, the job of delivering mail forces us to stop talking.
back on my car and I reflect on the words of Angela.
As in a flashback I remember the first time since I met Angela. It was the fall of 1989 as a teacher and I planned output of corso per aspiranti guide del Parco organizzato dalla gloriosa cooperativa I° maggio di Rotonda.
Come il solito ero troppo pignolo e puntuale per aspettare i soliti ritardatari. Bisognava raggiungere il Colle dell’Impiso e salire fino ai Piani del Pollino e rientrare prima che arrivasse il buio.
Angela non arrivò in orario e noi partimmo senza di lei.
Appena giunti al Colle dell’Impiso, stavo facendo le solite raccomandazioni per l’escursione che ci apprestavamo a compiere; all’improvviso il silenzio fu interrotto dal roboante motore “a palla” di una panda bianca che stava arrivando a tutto gas.
L’auto si ferma a pochi centimetri dietro al nostro pullmino tra uno stridio di freni e una sgommata; dato il bordo strada senza protezioni, temetti il peggio.
E finalmente tutti vedemmo la temeraria pilota scendere di corsa, afferrare dal sedile posteriore lo zaino e raggiungerci, scusandosi per il ritardo.
In quella circostanza capii che Angela sarebbe divenuta un’ottima guida.
Gli anni successivi sono stati intensi di attività escursionistiche sia come liberi professionisti sia come collaboratori ingaggiati dalla Proloco di Rotonda.
In quegli anni portammo in giro migliaia di persone.
Qualche anno dopo facemmo tutti insieme il corso per Guide Ufficiali del Parco.
Eravamo una bella squadra, animata da una grande volontà di conoscere e far conoscere il Pollino ad un pubblico sempre più ampio.
Abbiamo iniziato un cammino di pubblicizzazione del territorio che ancora oggi non ha eguali in tutta Italia.
Poi Angela e gli altri decisero di creare l’Associazione delle Guide (io ne stetti fuori), con a capo in una prima parte, da Pino Di Thomas, later replaced by Gary Lofrano.
The constant changes at the top of the park do not warrant a departure "right". Gaetano policy was to find a role of guides in the context of the management mechanisms of the protected area. As if to say that we too can participate in the initiation of this machine.
From this point began the first disagreements with the Park Authority.
From an initial position is too pro-government in the opposition. Very harshly criticizing the actions of the entity that does not show much attention to the Guide.
After a series of grants to rain masked with pseudo targets ranging from monitoring to environmental education, is the epilogue came last year when the Board decided not to fund most of the Guides Association.
As if by magic it was dissolved.
Then a second one was born - according to many - to manage the funds made available by the Foundation South
In consequence, the old association gave some hint of rebirth.
Today, both associations, vivacchiano slow to take off. ... For lack of members.
In fact, after the disappearance of Beppe Scutari, who on several occasions tried to revive the role of the Official Guide, all you gave to other jobs.
All these fatal thoughts accompany me to San Severino Lucano.
If crying Athens Sparta does not laugh.
I try and tell me that George is on Frido to open a path.
join him.
Story the meeting in the morning and he says: " but how? You, too, you wonder?
to survive See I work as a forest worker and I'm here to clean up these unnecessary branches from old trees that are along the shore of Frido ... here is a nice nature trail easy to get a few minutes Adventures from the field and the facilities of forest Magnano . "
The simplicity of George is contagious.

The spectacle of Frido, at this point, it is truly spectacular. Large boulders of rock of various colors, square, almost a brain mass floating in the icy waters of the river relaxes you, make you forget the problems of the day.
The roots of a large wild pear, shaped by the violence of the water, by rubbing the stone which they roll a few inches after every flood, appear like so many tentacles of an octopus trying to wrap the whole world.
" I really like this job. It's like going back to times when I was working on the Stelvio - tells George - the sedan chair to carry Pietroni to build trails.
An experience that I am now here to help coordinate the forestry workers who work with me in the cleaning and recovery of these old trails .. "
However, George is happy. I am thin, always with his enthusiasm, he tells me when to wear the red pants to venture along the paths of fishermen Frido, now completely abandoned and covered by brambles, to search for a track can be obtained for the tourist who finds it hard to get .
Back on the issue of the Guide.
And he tells me that if Angela does not surf the postman the other better. Narduzzo, is a painter, raccoglie e vende legna, Luigi fa l’elettricista, Quirino fa il musicista e costruisce zampogne, Gaetano  si occupa di arte contemporanea, Peppino gestisce il rifugio, Primo ha problemi con la dentiera, Peppe studia inglese, Silvio progetta fattorie didattiche e Alba non si sa cosa faccia.
È ora di pranzo  e la giornata è finita.
Giorgio raccoglie gli attrezzi di lavoro, però prima mi fa vedere come si è ingegnato, con cordini e scalette, moschettoni e discensori, casco e guanti, tronchesina e seghetto da potatore e sale su di un tronco per recidere l’ultimo ramo del giorno.
recover the old backpack that recalls the work in Trentino, office tools, remove the harness, place the ropes, carabiners, and we move along the path to reach the car.
" see how I cleaned outcrop of this rock? I even passed the wire brush to remove excess soil, look at that view from this hill! But see how that managed to be born among the rocks. It's crazy, how nature can survive in environments as severe ".
We go along the path well stepped between large oaks and oak leaves in a blanket of color arancio, con il sottofondo del rumore dell’acqua.
Vista l’ora, ci facciamo un piatto di pasta all’antica Baita, splendido locale a pochi metri dalla statale, a Bosco Magnano.
Incominciamo con un ottimo e abbondante antipasto a base di prosciutto, soppressate e salsiccia lucana.
Il tutto innaffiato con una caraffa di ottimo vino aglianico rosso, di corpo, molto tannico che si fa bere a meraviglia.
Inevitabilmente il discorso cade sulla realtà delle Guide, sul loro patrimonio di saperi, sulla loro passione per la montagna; concordiamo on the principle that we are undervalued and not taken into account.
not participating in any decision-making process of The government of the territory.
And here the conversation turns to the extent the park.
than ever to complete the organization, the Council and all its mechanisms. However, it is devoid of purpose, of ideas, projects and things to do now. It is without a cent. Indeed, a €! Although this design works great Pharaonic destined to become the new cathedrals in the desert.
to stop our " pessimism of reason "comes a lovely veal steak, well done, on the edge of the burner with a side dish of green salad.
disagree only sull'insalata: 'm not a herbivore !
The steak requires silence.
Outside the weather clouds.
arrives a few laggard customer and ask if there is still something to eat.
After a first bite "savage" our conversation turns to the steak still there: the figure della Guida che in più occasione ha salvato la faccia al territorio, mettendoci una pezza quando il turista chiedeva come mai da anni il rifugio De Gasperi è chiuso,così come sono chiuse le altre venti strutture; così come non funziona nessun centro visita.
Evidenzio come ci pervade un certo “ pessimismo della ragione ”, tipico del meridionale che si lamenta sempre, che è rassegnato fin dalla nascita, che “ tutto deve andare così e non si può far niente .”
Ma se noi siamo rimasti sul posto come l’ultimo dei Moicani qualcosa vuol dire.
We can not give us an answer.
Perhaps it is best to water the entire fence with a brandy!
But the speech is screwed and gets more complex. Just like when one can not find the thread of a skein that at first glance it seems easy to unravel.
Suddenly there whale head an idea alien, bizarre and little chance of concreteness.
And if we assume the body?
With little money is not fucked up a heritage di conoscenze e ci potrebbe utilizzare nei periodi morti come educatori nelle scuole come avevamo pensato in uno dei tanti corsi con i lavoratori socialmente utili.
L’Ente naviga in brutte acque.
Non ha una lira.
Figuriamoci se prende in carico dei vecchi catorci come noi.
Ne ha già più di cento ereditati dai veterani LSU buttati da qualche parte a far nulla.
Certo noi non vogliamo fare la stessa fine.
Alla fine sarebbe dare un mezzo stipendio a quattro o cinque persone.
Che vuoi che sia?
Ci alziamo e usciamo nel freddo di Bosco Magnano.
Meglio stare con i piedi per terra.
Saluti e convenevoli di rito e poi ci promettiamo che la prossima volta ci vediamo in montagna su uno dei nostri sentieri, ad arrancare verso qualche cima, così, sotto pressione, con il cuore in gola per la fatica, non ci vengono strane idee.
Riprendo la strada per go home, driving rain that washes out the road and were it not for the fact that I know by heart, would agree to stop and wait until the storm passes.
The radio speaks of professionals in the environmental field: I would like to call to tell the story of an Official Guide to a park in Italy.
Then I think the question of an official of the park that a few months ago he asked me what I thought of the fact that the Park Authority would announce a course for new guides and I remember my answer dry:
you still want to create starving?
We were in forty-five and we were six.
The radio signal "comes and goes," and in a bend near Viggianello I get strong and clear voice of a radio speaker of three, which concluded a speech which I do not know the contents with a famous phrase Woody Allen: God is dead, Marx is dead ... and I do not feel very well today!
I fully endorse!
Emanuele Pisarra

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I-catcher Console - Web Monitor Rio De Janeiro

The Republic: Voting on the investigation of the Mercure Enel !

Pollino Wild invites all friends of the Pollino to participate in a survey conducted by for the next survey on environmental issues. Among the topics proposed
there is Central Mercure which is currently at the top! Click Biomass ...

the link is as follows:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I-catcher Console - Web Monitor Rio

"... GOD SAVE THE BEAR (THE ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL PARK OF ABRUZZO) by those who say to love Him!" Latest from the River

by those who say to love Him! "
E 'now known to the dramatic situation faced by the population of brown bear survived until the present day in the mountains National Park of Abruzzo and its districts. As is well known that one of the most dramatic problems associated with its ability to still continue to exist, and maybe (hope it all!), Increase in number to move to a safe limit - limit instead recedes more from year to year - is the ability of individuals who still make up the population (it is said, yes and no, around the number 50) to find those food sources which it has had for thousands of years, sheep and other cattle, fields (in corn, wheat, sainfoin, etc.).. Food sources in just the last few decades have virtually disappeared from much of its distribution area of \u200b\u200blife because of the drastic decline and disappearance of agricultural practices on the part of local people.
Well, instead of providing a cover up for this shortcoming with sowings "artificial" (culture bottles) by the Park and those organizations that for years say they fight for the salvation of this animal, not Only the Park Authority, but also associations so-called "environmental" (in reality rather than for purposes of tourism promotion) do nothing but go home to plant apple trees in the hope that sooner or later begin to bear fruit (even though most those planted in the last ten years are simply death), so for increase the potential for bear food web (only for the autumn period, which goes well!). As stated by the former guard Gerardo "Lillino" Finamore, "Park of Abruzzo, there are already thousands and thousands of trees crab apples can bear fruit and greatly satisfy those "four" bear left! "
Today we read with the emphasis that has been proposed, and is also implementing the practice of grafting trees, crab apples with apples home! This is where? In natural brown bear, and then with an operation and not so much not only useless (because as soon as the trees begin to bear fruit will be just to destroy the bears nel volgere di una sola stagione), ma arrecando danno anche alla biodiversità naturale di quei luoghi! Ora, che lo facciano dei privati  privi di conoscenze e pieni solo di buona volontà è comprensibile. Che lo esalti l'Ente Parco sprecando mezza pagina del suo notiziario, è solo estremamente deplorevole, soprattutto alla chiusura del 2010 anno che l'ONU ha dedicato proprio alla salvaguardia della Biodiversità. E' un voler far credere di fare qualcosa, quando di fatto non si fa nulla e, peggio, si aggiunte danno a danno. Quando ben altre sarebbero le cose da fare ed i provvedimenti da prendere.
Se si vuole aiutare l'orso, oggi - perché è oggi che l'orso ha bisogno di risorse alimentari - si provvedesse a seminare con granoturco, grano e carote almeno qualcuno delle migliaia di campi abbandonati, non già piantare mele o, peggio, innestare gli alberi selvatici. Oppure, se proprio si vuole essere ancora più direttamente concreti, si distribuiscano qua e là nei boschi (mai nello stesso posto, però, per evitare forme di addomesticamento) sacchi di mele a diretta disponibilità dell'Orso. Frutti che, o mangerà l'orso (o il suo competitivo cinghiale, per ridurre il quale nessuna fa nulla!) o se non altro finiranno per marcire al suolo creando humus; ma non arrecheranno danni ambientali.
Franco Zunino
Already scholar Bruno Marsicano Bear

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lego Poptropicathegame

Dario Vergassola Acquapendente

Back stage show Thanks. A day designed by immigrants Acquapendente.
A performance of Richard and Dario Vergassola and Staglianò.
The event will be held at Teatro Boni Acquapendente February 10 at 21:30 . Dario Vergassola
The show will also be a moment to pass arch 2011 (Included in ticket price) and to contribute to the intense planning that the arch realized for years the province.
Assigned Cost 15 euro (including tile arch 2011) The under 26 are charged 12 €.

Participate and share, help to fill the theater and to give a signal to the city!
for info:

The show was born after publication Thanks. That's why we would be lost without immigrants , the show talks about the irreplaceable value of the presence of immigrants in the everyday contemporary Italy. Playing with the platitudes and the demagogic politics, Dario Vergassola combines biting monologues and improvisations in a bizarre interview with journalist Richard Staglianò Republic, author of the book of the same name. The show is a collaboration with the National Arci.
The event is organized by Solidarity and Arci Arci Viterbo Viterbo.
for info and pre-0763730246

Monday, January 24, 2011

Percentage Of Muscle In Women

Argentino ... Orso Bruno Marsicano

Dear friends
What's going on in recent months in River Argentine-Orsomarso (CS), one of the most spectacular wilderness areas of southern Italy is unbelievable. After the creation of the Pollino National Park we thought that this valley with its spectacular river was now safe from any risk of tampering with the environment. Unfortunately, just Ente created "ad hoc" for his protection, it's coup de grace, a project to build 11 bridges rather than 10 (so far) in the concrete implementation of which is part of a project called harmless "Argentino River restoration paths place." The realization of this has created an open-air workshop about 3.5 km long on a stretch of river, virtually intact, so far half of naturalists from all over Europe. Now, a dirt road, obtained by breaking a path along the river, trucks trudging on trucks carry material, piers were built in concrete and pipes fell in the river for the crossing of heavy vehicles. A ballast with "gabions" appears along an embankment to avoid collapse and landslide in river. But this is only the tip of the iceberg. The head of the procedure and the project manager and architect. Joseph Bruno, an official of the park of Pollino. Now the lorry retrieved from ancient footpaths only on foot until yesterday, when the site is still, used SUV, off road, 4x4, beginners who are planning to substitute the excitement of the Paris-Dakar plowing difficult terrain. Even here, we did not have believed, began the penetration of vehicles prelude to the transformation of the area counted by the founding fathers dell'AIW Italy in the '80s as one of the areas to be protected absolutely Italian. Thanks to a project conceived and implemented by Ente Parco Nazionale del Pollino, which, ironically, should protect, defend, preserve, all words that have been replaced by a single "use" and that inevitably will end up a better place "Tombstone" on what "era, the Valley of Argentina."
What we naturalists South has always been a source of excitement for its breathtaking scenery starts to become, if all goes well, thanks to European funds, a trivial picnic area. The delegate
dell'AIW Salerno
Alfonso Apicella

- following the complaint sent to: Superintendent Environmental, Calabria Region - Political Department of the Environment, European Commission.
that are also attached.

Salerno, January 22, 2011
;                                                      Soprintendenza Beni Ambientali,
                                                              Architectural and Artistic
;                                                      Piazza Valdesi, 13
                                                                                    87100 Cosenza

                      Dipartimento Politiche dell’Ambiente
                                                                                    Viale Isonzo, 414
                      88100 Catanzaro

                                                                                    Julio Garcia Bourgeois
; ; European Commission
                                                     Directorate General for Environment
; ; Offences Unit A2
;                                                      200 Rue de la Loi
                                                                                    1049 Bruxelles, Belgio

Oggetto: Continua la lenta agonia del fiume Argentino – Orsomarso (Cs).

   La Valle del fiume Argentino “era” una delle aree Wilderness più interessanti del Sud Italia, senz’altro the most beautiful of the Province of Cosenza. Subject of studies by this Section AIW-Campania, is regularly visited by our members and fans to take pictures of nature, clean it from the waste left behind by hikers, to study birds.
The alarm goes off at the end of September 2010, we discovered that they are being "work" unspecified. They are seen trucks go back and cross the river by lorry tracks accessible by opening the old paths, many photos are taken.
On 5 October 2010, part of a complaint at the Police Station of the State Forestry Orsomarso (Cs) to signal the implementation of the river piers of reinforced concrete (we counted twenty-one for a total of ten bridges to be built) in the river Argentino tubes are placed to allow heavy trucks to cross. Is photographed a street parallel to the river construction site.
On 6 October 2010, on the recommendation of the Pollino National Park (in the Valle del Fiume Argentino part) by "Our Italy Pollino" Hannibal Mr. Formica said the director of the Park literally "the concerns expressed by Italy and our other environmental groups are already the attention of my the office. " Unfortunately, research done dall'AIW Campania discover that the project "Restoration of trails in the Valley of Argentina, City of Orsomarso, (Cs) is the same park.
October 8, 2010, information is sent to the Chief of the Forest Service based in Rome, ing. Cesare Patrone, the serious tampering taking place in Argentina, since the Office for the Protection of Biodiversity (UTB) Cosenza is aware of the work and the Valley of Argentina State Nature Reserve in the relevant management offices of CFS (State Forestry). Meanwhile, the bulldozers are advancing more and more inside.
October 11, 2010, a detailed dossier is sent to the Minister for the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea, on. Stefania Prestigiacomo, by dell'AIW Campania. Work is continuing and the area known as the frenetic "Poor Moscow" is now an open-air workshop.
October 15, 2010, the project is to smash the Argentine architect. Joseph Bruno, an official with the National Park of Pollino.
October 26, 2010, the Ministry for the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea - Ufficio Protezione della Natura nella persona del dr. Alessandro La Posta si interessa al caso e chiede informazioni su cosa stia succedendo.
3 novembre 2010, l’AIW di Salerno, Sezione da sempre presente nel Parco Nazionale del Pollino, anche per i gravissimi danni inferti al fiume Argentino chiede al Ministro per l’Ambiente e Tutela del Territorio e del Mare il commissariamento dell’Ente Parco Nazionale del Pollino.
17 novembre 2010, in risposta al Ministero (26 ottobre 2010) l’Ente Parco risponde in merito ai lavori e rimanda alla relazione del responsabile del procedimento, funzionario dell’Ente, arch. Giuseppe Bruno.
3 dicembre 2010, a seguito dell’ennesimo inspection we see that nothing has been done and that even the piers were also built on a tributary of the river Argentino.
December 13, 2010, another survey shows that the tubes placed in the river bed to allow the passage of trucks have been removed, creating large chasms, in fact, the heavy truck hours directly through the river bed by removing the gravel, damaging bentofauna and muddying the water, this has always been crystal clear today has a dirty gray color.
December 27, 2010, now the site is spread over a length of 3.5 km, the old road to all intents and purposes is now a road, we see traces of ATVs everywhere, now the human presence by these means is uncontrollable. This increased human presence makes it extremely hazardous to the presence of pairs of golden eagles nesting within walking distance from work.
January 6, 2011, the shipyard is stopped, the wounds are increasingly visible, was built a bank with artificial gabion wire mesh to contain the landslide of the bank of the river before intact. Continue the slow but steady penetration of off-road in areas previously accessible only by foot.
To date none of these bodies we alerted you left us nothing in defense of what was the Wilderness Area and among the best preserved Southern Italy's most beautiful, enough to be included in the statutory documents of the Italian Association for the Wilderness (AIW), non-profit corporation and NGO, is expressly mentioned in section 3.
In our opinion, regardless of whether or not the intervention of safeguard measures and environmental protection has been authorized to check whether the construction site of the works in the way in which evil has been carried out. In this regard, please find attached photos of the various stages of operation of the site as the installation of pipes in the river, the masts and earthworks caused by these works. Right on the building site the complaint was forwarded to the Command Station Forest Orsomarso. The fact remains that as the works are carried out there is a negative impact on the environment protected.

                      Il Delegato AIW Campania

                                                                                                 Achille Cristiani

Friday, January 21, 2011

Mujeres Venezolanas Follando

Pound House is on offer in Viterbo ...

The Arci Viterbo esprime la propria preoccupazione per le attività promosse da Casa Pound a Viterbo. Il 22 Gennaio si terrà, nel pieno centro di Viterbo e in uno spazio dell’amministrazione comunale, una giornata in memoria di Raffaele Giorni che prevede concerti di gruppi neofascisti, tra cui i Zeta Zero Alfa, il cui leader è Gianluca Iannone, presidente di Casa Pound Italia. Ci domandiamo perché, nel 2011 e in un paese democratico e antifascista per costituzione, si debba concedere terreno fertile ad organizzazioni palesemente neofasciste. Nel dubbio mena , o Cinghiamattanza saranno le canzoni “pacifiste” intonate dai camerati di Casa Pound in uno spazio espositivo che il Comune stesso difficilmente grants for other purposes. This occurs in a context like that of Viterbo, where the annual recurring violence are always the same and worse than the methods of comparison that preserves some right in the twenties.

We have a policy response from the (right and left) with respect to the subject that was totally impotent in dealing with the problem of political violence among young people. In particular, the right to local government, asking not to support in any way neo-fascist formations. We hope at least that the council must not marry the lyrics will be sung on Saturday evening: "No, do not stay in pain! Mena in doubt and you will see vivrai di più!”.

Inoltre, ci aspettiamo che, di fronte a questi avvenimenti, cittadini, associazioni e forze politiche intervengano in merito.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bottomless Women Gallery

Dossier - Franco Zunino

Difendiamo l'orso da chi dice di amarlo!
Franco Zunino 

Ancora un appello in difesa dell’Orso marsicano da parte di chi quest’animale per primo studiò in modo “scientifico” oltre quarant’anni or sono,

ed una critica, anch’essa ennesima, alla continua inerzia delle autorità tutte.


Qualche anno fa ricevetti una lettera da una persona che si diceva un amico dell’orso, una persona (Marco Novelli) che poi finii per stimare per il suo impegno in difesa di questo animale, tanto più essendo egli originario di uno dei paesi del Parco. In quella lettera stavano però racchiusi tutti i problemi del perché l’Orso marsicano sia sempre più a rischio di estinzione. Eccola, leggermente adattata alla situazione di oggi:

«Il disturbo turistico non è il problema principale per l’orso, o meglio forse è quello che più facilmente può essere decisamente ridimensionato. Certo, ci vuole coraggio a impedire che anche d’estate la seggiovia di Pescasseroli sforni in quota pedoni pigri a ciclo continuo. Se si ritiene che in determinati periodi  si possano chiudere dei sentieri si può fare (come da qualche anno avviene per le creste Iorio-Tranquillo), il fenomeno turismo escursionistico (escluso magari ferragosto), se si volesse, e sarebbe controllabile. Nel passato le nostre montagne non were less busy, indeed! My ancestors were shepherds and woodcutters do not think even the most innocuous of unbearable hikers. I will be biased, but I do not see the hiking tourism as the largest threat to the bear. I am concerned rather than the development of roads penetrate the forest, ever larger and ever more "busy" (not the tourists!), I am concerned about the trivialization of the shores of Lake Barrea, the stray dog \u200b\u200bout of control, disinterest el 'intolerance of the majority of local arson attacks in previous years, the lack of financial support for crops "to lose", the load eccessivo di bestiame in alcune località, la leggerezza con la quale si ricorre al bracconaggio di rivalsa, la competizione spazio/alimentare con cervi e cinghiali ecc. ecc.. Mi rendo perfettamente conto, tuttavia, che non è semplice attuare misure di gestione per una specie vagabonda ed esigente quale è l’orso, anche nei parchi nazionali che ormai lo sostengono, perché nessuna categoria di fruitori vuole fare rinunce di sorta. Continuiamo a fare ricerca e poi ce li avvelenano incollarati e in pieno Parco!».

Sembrerebbe, questa, una tesi condivisibile. Peccato che sia vecchia forse quanto old is the Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo. All reasons, except to say that some, but not that save the goat and cabbage. Ensure all rights to men, and especially to the people of the city, tourists, but rarely those of the bear.

analysis, therefore, not acceptable. It is the same (shell), which claimed many more than forty years ago (and we know how that turned out: more than 100 bears no more than about 40/50, if all goes well), with all the reasons cited, including those that appear to harm the bear, but that is only for environmental damage, and certainly not the things they do fuggire l’Orso dal Parco. Come ho avuto altre volte modo di scrivere, non sono state la speculazione edilizia o le sciovie a far fuggire l’Orso, ma il turismo escursionistico; il turismo di chi dice di amare l’orso e  che dice di amare le sue montagne, ma che pertanto non rinuncia o non vuole rinunciare a visitarle e ad incontrare l’orso.

Il fatto che un tempo ci fosse più gente di oggi in montagna è anche questa una vecchia diceria, che però non ha confronto con il turismo, dalla primavera all’autunno (ma anche all’inverno, in certi casi). I pastori, come i boscaioli, si facevano i fatti propri e per pochi mesi year. Tourists however are just looking for the bear to "sfruculiare" in his world, to look for tracks, wanting to see and photograph. There is a gulf between the two types of admissions. Better that ten one hundred pastors tourists!

roads, yes, are those which promote tourism, because I'm not sure were to destroy the bear poachers, poachers that there have never been, because then they would have done one hundred and extinguish several years ago (poisoners of bears or the pastor who shot to defend his flock, can not be counted among the poachers). The trivialization of the lake is an ugly reality but, also, this is not damaging the Bear: No urban developments in the valleys and human disturb the bear: they disturb us, if anything, and ruin the natural setting in which the bear lives, and only this should be prohibited (such as wind and solar today that almost every municipality in the park would be constructed). Nor are the stray dogs to threaten the bear, much less fire (which often create biodiversity). As long as we aim to rectify these things to save the bear would certainly improve the park, but the bear did not save him ever.

E 'known that hikers do not feel fault: no one feels guilty because I felt guilty would mean having to give up going to see the bear and go to the mountains. It 's a position autoassolvente of many. Species of the naturalists who justify everything for his own selfishness. And this is precisely the problem. More who defends the bear for years not seek him out and is content to know that live there among the mountains and forests, that those who claim to love him but then to satisfy their selfish love's going to break the boxes everywhere and at all times. Even those who also studies the behavior and inventory every place, every cave, every sensitive site, with the justification of a protezione che poi raramente viene applicata (perché se lo fosse, almeno avrebbe un senso fare tutto ciò) incide negativamente sulla sua vita. Negli anni è una giustificazione che ho sentito da tanti, troppi, amici e amanti dell’orso e delle montagne, amici che non vogliono rinunciare ai propri piaceri, e poi si chiedono (e mi chiedono) come mai l’orso le abbandoni!

Tutti cavillano per dimostrare di non averlo disturbato. Io sinceramente non me la sento di dire la stessa cosa nei passati casi del mio incontro con l’orso: il più delle volte per motivi poi peraltro rivelatisi un disturbo. Ora, se questo disturbo è solo occasionale, come could be in my day, is not a serious thing. But if this condition occurs frequently, as is the case today, telling me there the line to try to see the bear, and in a valley and another, and from mountain to mountain, the obvious that sooner or later ' bear moves up to find places where no one bothers him: that's how you experienced the phenomenon of emigration-dispersive.

Certain areas are closed to all, at least in certain seasons, are not open to a limited number (for more pay, favoring only the wealthy tourists!). In certain areas should not go there no one, not even the park rangers or scientists, except for reasons stated. Why Park mountains are not as large and wild as they are often described: a small paradise. And in many places just very little, just one person, to create disorder.

The wild boar and deer? Here's a real problem. They look cute for tourists, show animals on the streets, but for too many years have been among the most depleted habitat are proposed to bear without a handle. And yet wild boar are among the largest competitors with the bear, the looting of the resources that are methodical life, especially those in the past sought the Bear in the autumn prior to hibernation in the spring and just let le tane d’inverno. Nonostante questo oggi è proibito uccidere il cinghiale anche fuori Parco!

La stessa piantagione di meli è una delle tante cose inutili fatte (più per soddisfare chi vuole contribuire a salvare l’orso che non per una reale necessità); perché nel Parco ci sono migliaia di alberi che producono mele (“ ampiamente sufficienti ai quei pochi orsi rimasti ”, dice l’ex Guardiaparco Lillino Finamore), e quelli piantati produrranno frutti, se mai lo faranno, tra decine di anni; cioè quando l’orso forse non ci sarà più. Sono queste le cose inutili che si fanno. Granoturco bisogna seminare, non piantare meli! E invece proprio quelli che oggi studiano l’orso ci vengono a dire che di queste coltivazioni l’orso non ha bisogno, scoprendo l’acqua calda delle ampie risorse alimentare naturali presenti nel Parco (cosa già da me segnalata quarant’anni or sono!), ignorando tutto l’aspetto comportamentale, quasi un imprinting , che caratterizza gli individui di questa popolazione, alcuni vecchi di decine di anni ed abituati a queste risorse “artificiali”, più gustose di quelle naturali, e più abbondanti.

Voler ricreare, con questo metodo, un orso “selvatico” in Abruzzo, come vorrebbero gli attuali studiosi, vorrà means to create in fact, as is already happening, the syndrome of Yellowstone bears with more domestic, more and more in the vicinity of towns and farming valleys in search of food easy and tasty, but make them real wild!

Stray dogs? A non-issue and considered that only those who understand little about animal behavior. For the bears dogs are nothing but "wolves" that is, animals of their world, they're used to, even if they flee when attacked: they have known for hundreds if not thousands of years, as the pastors know that if they are next to raw or close to stazzo. They are the "men tourists" who gli orsi non conoscono, a cui non sono abituati da generazioni. I pastori hanno il pregio di portare le pecore, i turisti portano solo disturbo. E anche se ai turisti gli orsi si abituassero, essi (i turisti) non farebbero altro che creare un fenomeno di addomesticamento, quel fenomeno che non per nulla si è creato negli ultimi decenni, e mai si era verificato prima. “Ho visto gli orsi e pur avvertendo la nostra presenza non davano segni di disturbo”, dicono molto turisti. Ma è proprio così che si crea il fenomeno di addomesticamento! Nell’immenso Yellowstone, uno dei primi provvedimenti per salvare il Grizzly è stato quello di chiudere al turismo ampie aree selvagge da riserva solo a loro.

Down by three and now the bears hunt them too. By us (we are not certainly a Yellowstone), continue to quibble to justify our "right to the environment, caring about the right of the bears. That is why, as I wrote at other times: God save the bear who says she loves him!


After decades of surveys and research during which they were spent, according to an estimate released by the newspaper La Repubblica , as many as 12 million euro! (You could buy almost all of the Park of Abruzzo - because this Americans would do if they could decide how they spend all that money!) may seem like good news this year that date by the Presidency of the Park, on the decision to block the activities of the capture of brown bears Marsica; catch that lasted for years and that have left many doubts about their usefulness for conservation of the population (and even some train never very clear about the phenomenon of domestication of more and more individuals and the presence of bears impaired), except for a more accurate census. Forty years of attempts to survey that accompanied the research, started in 1970 and not yet completed. One wonders never have that sense questi infiniti censimenti? Che senso abbia dire oggi che abbiamo solo più 40 orsi, se poi non si fa niente per impedire che diminuiscano ancora? Tra vent’anni ci sarà chi parteciperà ai censimenti per stabilire che gli orsi sono solo più 20! Quarant’anni di censimenti durante i quali si è passati dagli oltre 100 individui stimati nel 1970 nella zona del Parco e sue strette vicinanze, ai forse meno di 40 individui stimati oggi secondo le ultime notizie, e distribuiti su gran parte dell’Appennino centrale. Addirittura, secondo gli studi recenti, oggi si vorrebbe far credere che la sostenibilità ottimale sia di soli 50 orsi nel Parco Nazionale d’Abruzzo e suoi dintorni; un’indicazione che sembra want to turn a defeat into victory, if we consider that up to forty years ago in the Park and its surrounding areas for over 100 bears he lived.

In reality the situation is still far from afford to breathe a sigh of relief, since no recovery of growth was still recorded, if not good (but not exceptional) of 10 children born in 2008 and 6 in 2009. Everyone had the illusion that this was a sign of a recovery, when in reality is only in accordance with a birth variable from year to year, as always happens in nature between the populations of animals (but also in the field of plant). All the illusion that those 16 puppies (but now speaks of the Park 22 children in the last 3 years) would reach adulthood, when it is well known the high rate of juvenile mortality of this species, compared to the low birth rate. Indeed, perhaps only half of them, or even less, will come to adulthood, ignoring, then, the natural (and also incidentally) mortality of individuals as adults.

Well then have made the park authorities to put an end to unnecessary and dangerous catch (bears roam in the park today without one of the front legs!). The problem is that they stop the catch, but the research (which will last at least until the batteries will last Bears Radio-equipped, we imagine a long, long time considering the new storage systems or even solar-autoricaricantisi!), for which the money are always scarce as more and for concrete measures. They stop the catch, but continue the searches, and serious, never dismantled so many "catch pens" made in various areas of the park, the real environmental changes in a National Park should be subject to immediate restoration .

Now is the time to act (for forty years is expected this time!), And we hope that the park authorities, at the suggestion of the researchers, they can eventually take those measures deemed necessary to grow the population, hoping that relate to the increase in food sources "anthropogenic" (crops and pasture to lose) and an even stricter control of tourism, which provides great natural areas to be reserved for the bear (and not the closures with access ... in the face of hefty payments!) and the usual requests for extension of the National Park just to close the hunt still other areas, territories, however, that the Park does not seem to be equally concerned to safeguard the many wind farms and solar projects that are threatening them. At the bottom of the commitments made with PATOM should be directed to the defense of the bear brown bear and its habitat, not only to the study of his bioetologia has famously become known and the fight to hunters, because, by all authorities, the so-called scientific world to the environmental movement, is always just to expand the park and closing of hunting is heard speak, as a solution which would increase the population of this animal, while the authorities themselves and the scientific world view as unnecessary initiatives obvious recovery of the crops or an increase of grazing sheep, a strict control of the tourist trails, a habitat conservation increasingly eroded by the projects of "use of land," a drastic reduction of competitors such as food are wild boars (but also environmental noise, as the deer), an incentive and a reduction in the sheep than cattle and horses almost alien to the ancient pastoral world of Abruzzo (and anyway, with a prompt and fair compensation for damages , which instead is that only on paper). Again with the usual single enemy to be killed: the hunter! And always there to assess, visually or with DNA, as if the bears have served to raise the population!


laws to compensate the herders and farmers in general the damage they suffer due to predation by wolves and bears are now decades old. When they approved it seemed a success, the resolution of conflicting issues that have always had divided the rural areas of the Apennines from the city environmentalist, a staunch defender of bears and wolves and wildlife in general. Unfortunately, these laws have only alleviated the problem, because we then thought the bureaucracy to complicate things, slowing down to get the compensation practices, allowing a technicality that has often prevented an ambulance and, above all, fair reimbursement for damages. In fact, the laws do not foresee ever indirect damage (eg, the loss of sheep to cattle, pregnancy or lack of growth of lambs and calves; not to mention the emotional damage that often exist even though many are a little laugh to hear him define it!), or damage to be calculated according to the real market price.

But this would be less. The problem is that often, for various reasons (this is the case here, to say, of "piddling"), not all losses are compensated, then there are the payment delays, delays that become unbearable for shepherds and ranchers who consider themselves unfairly damaged.

In Abruzzo, Lazio and the recent protest, a "crying in the wilderness" of farmers who have suffered losses of tens of animals eaten by wolves and bears, and that for unknown reasons (at least to the public) were not compensated. E 'recent protest by farmers who complain about the delay even up on the spot checks by the enforcement staff (veterinarians, park rangers and forest guards), with exposed even to the courts to protect their rights. It is true that these farmers often can not properly be said to be strict on compliance with environmental regulations on the use of pasture land allocated to them, perhaps it is also true that in some cases of wolves and bears it, but dogs malnourished or hypothetical "stray or feral. " But if you do not want to read more news soon of bears and wolves poisoned or impallinati is necessary that the authorities: to put aside their qualms on compensation or not to give only a certain doubts about the animal predator who has caused or for other reasons; crackdown to regulate grazing in protected areas at least, possibly by promoting the sheep (perhaps with incentives) to the equine and cattle, more impactful on the environment and less useful for wildlife food webs; severely punish those who break the rules, but also immediately and reimburse fully the damage to those who suffer.

Delaying when the inspections are promptly reported to the killing of livestock, cavillare sul fatto se trattasi o meno di lupo o di cane o se si poteva o meno pascolare in certe aree è un modo perfetto per incattivire persone già predisposte a difendere i loro armenti con propri mezzi. Ed incattivire e rendere nemico dichiarato di lupi ed orsi un allevatore è il miglior modo per spingerlo ad atti di autodifesa di propri diritti ed interessi; atti che rischiano di portare all’estinzione se non il lupo, almeno l’orso marsicano. Poi sarà solo inutile, di scarsa soddisfazione e costoso, dargli la caccia giudiziaria!

I pastori e gli allevatori possono essere i migliori amici di lupi ed orsi, ma anche possono trasformarsi nei loro peggiori nemici, come si è già seen in the recent past. Thinking only to punish the perpetrators of crimes after they occurred is of little value and the considerable costs, especially now that the only loss of an individual Marsicano brown bear threatens the survival of the entire population. Always compensate the shepherds and farmers for the damage that report, welding them the real price of these losses is the best way to reduce that of bears and wolves. Also a way to preserve a rural which is increasingly disappearing, even to the detriment of the biodiversity of the Apennines. Have pastors become the best friends of the bear is also a way to save it. Do not pay for the loss of a chief disputes with regard to who killed him, badly paid and / or paying late the damage suffered by a farmer is like not paying, why not relieve his anger, nor the instinct of revenge towards predators.


Now every year we review (we environmentalists) to the news about the presence of bear more and more tame, less fearful of man's presence. A defeat for those who really care about the survival of the remaining population of the species Abruzzo brown bear, but a defeat that many consider a success for the tourist attraction that give rise to these bears.

Even a defeat for those researchers who dream of "feral" bears all the Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo "subtracting" their crops and flocks of sheep. Yes, that's right, while the Wilderness movement is trying to revive the cultivation of corn fields in some areas of marginal habitat for this species (in some cases with the help of the Park), scholars dream of to return to the wild bears in the Park, as you can keep these animals, a large amount of natural food resources (which the writer pointed out already 40 anni or sono, ma convinto anche dell’importanza di continuare a lasciare agli orsi campi di granoturco e pecore, risorse “artificiali” alle quali essi sono abituati da migliaia di anni). Ora siamo noi a dirlo: siamo in Abruzzo, non nello Yellowstone!

Quest’anno nel volgere di poco meno di un mese, cinque sono state le notizie andate sulla stampa locale ed anche nazionale, di questi orsi domestici (“problematici” li definiscono gli studiosi, i quali sembrano non porsi il problema del come mai siano divenuti tali!), prima a S. Sebastiano di Bisegna, poi in Valle di Rio del Comune di Alvito, poi ancora nella solita Scanno abruzzese (con servizi andati in onda also on national TV), another in S. Donato Val Comino, and Settle, fourth in Campoli Appennino, always in Frosinone, and finally to Alfedena Civitella in Abruzzi. All laudatory articles and news, aimed at highlighting the tourism element in a light animalistic, that bear good, "fellow citizen of habit," as he wrote in a newspaper, going to eat every night in the house where someone prepares " a kind of feast!

's so that this population lead to the extinction of wild animals, killing out of revenge, partly due to damage not compensated, or not fairly compensated, in part by making individuals more and more households, so the valleys and forests of the park are increasingly preferring not those of the wild Frusinate or forges, where agriculture and still thriving, and also putting them at risk of nocturnal encounters with criminals, or collisions with cars.

Who can forget the praise for these domestication uttered by the then President of the Park Fulco Pratesi? It was the beginning of this process. The authorities have realized that this was a wake-negative, whereas it stubborn to consider it a useful toy for tourists, thinking only to continue its nth counts and useless studies of biology, without doing anything serious to reverse the negative trend. Other years have passed and the Three Bears "problematic" were removed from their wild world captive and locked in vain, and it seems that things have changed a lot.

It resign environmentalists, people of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise, soon we will read in the newspapers of the death of the last bear Marsicano. Then someone will ask, and we say as it was possible to exterminate an animal so easy-going and domestic ?!


Summer last was with great pleasure that many have received a press release by the President of the National Park of Abruzzo, a press and appreciated that I share in all of its content, glad to finally see the authorities move with conviction to try to keep some peace in this beautiful animal.

comfortable with the news of the sighting of as many as 10 bears in the area of \u200b\u200bramneti, a number that recalls the sightings of the early decades of the last century, and which I hope is a harbinger of a real population growth after a decline that for decades, even if it does not hide the fact that such a high presence is certainly a sign of high frequentazione di persone dalle quali sono venute le segnalazioni, siano essi dipendenti del Parco o semplici turisti (ed è notorio che più persone riescono a censire il territorio più alta è la possibilità di osservazioni). Bene ha comunque fatto la Presidenza del Parco a ricordare a tutti che esiste un’ordinanza che se non vieta del tutto (come sarebbe il caso e come da decenni avviene - severamente applicata - nella Mission Mountains Tribal Wilderness Area da parte dei nativi americani delle tribù Salish e Kootenai), almeno limita il libero accesso alle zone delicate per quest'animale.

E particolarmente piacere mi ha anche fatto l’ultimo ammonimento del Presidente Giuseppe Rossi: dobbiamo cominciare a pensare che ci si debba accontentare dell’idea che l’orso esiste anche se non lo possiamo vedere; un pensiero che ci dovrebbe allietare a prescindere dal suo avvistamento, che è un diritto non più consentibile a tutti, se non, appunto, nell’ideale pensiero di una consapevolezza della sua esistenza là, nelle sue montagne, da mantenere le più selvagge possibile. Nelle autorità deve quindi farsi strada l’idea di Aree Wilderness, perché è in questa forma di conservazione del territorio e dell’ambiente che è racchiuso il concetto di un controllo e di una limitazione alle presenze nelle aree più selvagge dei Parchi di tutto il mondo.

L’orso bruno marsicano è anche una risorsa turistica; ma lo è preservando l’idea della sua esistenza tra quei monti ed in quelle foreste, non trasformandolo in un animale da baraccone che per forza tutti devono vedere. Diritto di tutti è preservarlo selvaggio, non osservarlo, magari addomesticato a razzolare nei cortili o, peggio, attorno ai bidoni di rifiuti dei paesi e dei centri turistici del Parco!