Meetings with the bear: Press the Park Abruzzo Italy
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Leukemia In The Liver
Some newspapers and TV news programs have recently reported the news and showed pictures of the sighting of "mother bear and her three children." The sighting was in very special circumstances, even if they are frequent enough in the Park Area and the contiguous. More and more often, motorists will encounter animals wild through the streets. Especially at night.
in similar situations, says the President of the Park Giuseppe Rossi, the motorist must have a behavior close and respectful in doing so causes as little disturbance as possible and allow them to overcome tranquillamente la barriera stradale.
Insomma, non ci si deve comportare come quell’automobilista che, mentre quattro orsi marsicani –madre e tre cuccioli – attraversano la strada, non trova di meglio che inseguirli con l’automobile, spaventandoli (ma meglio sarebbe dire terrorizzandoli, viste le reazioni di mamma orsa) al solo scopo di filmarli con il telefonino, magari con già in mente il pensiero di “sfruttare” questa fortunata circostanza. Cosa peraltro molto probabilmente avvenuta per gli orsi di Villalago-Scanno, considerato che l’automobilista-operatore non ha voluto bring to the Park Police, who called on behalf of the Authority, the video produced because willing to "sell." This aggravates the already very obviously incorrect behavior of man, which could cause serious damage to the beautiful family of plantigrade, which still suffer from this bad experience of meeting with him and his machine-monster. E 'is certainly true that threats to the bears Marsica - to remove the park which also gives rise to all possible actions in the prevention and repression - and this also counts many other situations, such as unregulated tourism, mountain roads, invasive hunting, overgrazing, poaching, various assaults to the territory (someone adds invasive research and studies), but it is essential that men are polite and respectful of the animals in all their forms and expressions of life and, therefore, even in chance encounters with them, when is very good and enjoy the beautiful view, but doing so in full responsibility, respect their peace and their movements.
In the given situation, the motorist, possibly curbing his instincts predator would have to stop, as before the normal "pedestrians," let them cross the road (home movies, why not? There would be stato tutto il tempo!) e ripartire con calma; informando poi dell’accaduto, da buon cittadino, le locali guardie del Parco e, possibilmente, consegnare il filmato, utilizzabile per le attività del Parco, con citazione dell’autore. Quello che non è accettabile , aggiunge il Presidente del Parco, oltre al comportamento poco corretto tenuto, è soprattutto la successiva tentata e , forse, riuscita commercializzazione e speculazione “economica” delle immagini. Ovviamente il Parco assumerà ogni iniziativa possibile per evitare che ciò si ripeta.
These animals are unique and priceless great that all the world envies to Italy, concludes the President of the Board.
National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise November 22, 2010
Press Release No. 90/2010
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