Monday, November 22, 2010

1922 Ford Doctors Coupe Clipart

Nostra as protection for ancient woods Sila?

Quale tutela per i boschi secolari della Sila?

…. “ Nessuno che visiti questa regione deve rinunciare alla visione di questo spazio rinchiuso dalle cime dei monti.

Chi abbia voglia di godere la bellezza di questi paesaggi selvosi, prima che scompaiano dalla faccia della terra, dovrà affrettarsi (a vederli)”…..
Così scrive Norman Douglas in Old Calabria , published in 1915. In this work the writer and traveler Anglo-German meticulously describes the plateau of the Sila and the other mountains in the region, who had visited during one of his three adventurous journeys on foot or mule.
Fear of Douglas, even after one century, it is also ours, even more distressing. For many years now powerless witness to the continuous assaults on the natural heritage and landscape due to numerous cuts affecting large areas of forest in the perimeter of the Sila National Park and surrounding areas.                                                 
silane The scourge of deforestation has increased enormously in recent times due to biomass power stations in the Crotone and licensing, by the region of Calabria, in August 2008 directly authorizes the cutting of forests without the prior impact assessment, obligatory in the areas placed. Almost
throughout the park is interested in this phenomenon, which is advancing relentlessly, despite the complaints of the associations, causing considerable damage to forests, the mountain landscape and biodiversity, in open contradiction with the aims of the Framework Law 394/91, which established the national parks, among the best in Europe for the conservation and protection of biodiversity.
By law, the National Parks should be able to protect the ecosystems within its borders including also produces benefits for the area. But if protection laws are not properly adhered to or enforced in daily practice, the objectives of sustainable economic development will be hardly achieved.
Regarding the Ente Parco della Sila, we hope that will be adopted as soon as the new Plan and the Rules of the park, aimed, inter alia, as required by 394/91, to a greater power of decision on permitting the cut within the protected areas, a power which currently only pertains to the Region. This would limit the number of destructive interventions in protected areas, preserving a unique heritage of forest biodiversity and landscape value.
If the proper management of the Park by all the parties involved will replaces distorted and improper use of forest resources, will cause, in addition to the destruction of natural heritage and landscape, among other things, protected by the Italian Constitution (art. 9), also damage to employment and economic activity (tourism and hospitality, agro-forestry. pastoral, agricultural quality, typical products, collecting forest fruits and berries).
Protective legislation so there. Quite the contrary. missing rather than the rules and regulations, the sense of responsibility and care for the public good by those who, institutional role, sono chiamati al (buon) governo del territorio.
La Convenzione Europea
 del Paesaggio del 2000, ratificata a Firenze nel 2006 (Legge N.14), impegna le Amministrazioni Comunali, oltre che alla tutela del loro territorio, anche ad un percorso decisionale partecipato nel caso in cui si tratti di interventi che modificano il Paesaggio.
Tale Convenzione è stata ripresa, per essere attuata nella Regione, dalla Carta Calabrese del Paesaggio. L’Ente Regione ha sottoscritto, il 30 Maggio 2006, nella qualità di membro fondatore, lo statuto della RECEP (Rete Europea per la attuazione della Convenzione Europea del Paesaggio). Tutti gli atti su citati, prodotti o sottoscritti dall’Ente Regione, sono indirizzati alla tutela massima del territorio, approvati e condivisi dalle amministrazioni locali firmatarie del documento. 
Succede invece che alcune Amministrazioni Comunali, il cui territorio ricade inside and outside the boundaries of the Parco della Sila, they insist on their plan to impoverishment and destruction of forests, forgetting that the forests falling within the boundaries of parks or in areas SIC and / or SPA are protected by the laws creating, allowing the rare bio-diversity, often endemic to survive.
This, despite being signatories to the Convention themselves RECEP protection and, therefore, appears in their records as individuals primarily responsible for safeguarding and delegates.
At this point we ask ourselves: the forests are lush forests of Calabria live, be safeguarded for future generations to pass them or are subject to market *?
There, November 19, 2010 ; ; ItaliaNostra Group Sila

Note * The cultural and natural heritage is an asset in the industrial and technological civilization in which we live, can not do without, if he wants to continue to exist. Industrial civilization has shown society to efficiency and now need to give it a 'religion', who can say to contradict everything that tends to make man into a pure consumer. The predatory relationship with nature is no longer possible "....( Giorgio Bassani)


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