Saturday, November 27, 2010

Leukemia In The Liver

Meetings with the bear: Press the Park Abruzzo Italy

Bears Marsica: beware of the "monsters" of men!

Pescasseroli. -

Some newspapers and TV news programs have recently reported the news and showed pictures of the sighting of "mother bear and her three children." The sighting was in very special circumstances, even if they are frequent enough in the Park Area and the contiguous. More and more often, motorists will encounter animals wild through the streets. Especially at night.
This requires very careful and respect the speed limits are set and where the signs show the sections where these crossings are more common. But it should always be careful walking the roads of the Park.
And when you're lucky enough to encounter these animals, especially bears
in similar situations, says the President of the Park Giuseppe Rossi, the motorist must have a behavior close and respectful in doing so causes as little disturbance as possible and allow them to overcome tranquillamente la barriera stradale.
Insomma, non ci si deve comportare come quell’automobilista che, mentre  quattro orsi marsicani –madre e tre cuccioli – attraversano la strada, non trova di meglio che inseguirli con l’automobile, spaventandoli (ma  meglio sarebbe  dire terrorizzandoli, viste le reazioni di mamma orsa) al solo scopo di filmarli  con il telefonino, magari con già in mente il pensiero di “sfruttare” questa fortunata  circostanza. Cosa peraltro molto probabilmente avvenuta per gli orsi di Villalago-Scanno, considerato che l’automobilista-operatore non ha voluto bring to the Park Police, who called on behalf of the Authority, the video produced because willing to "sell." This aggravates the already very obviously incorrect behavior of man, which could cause serious damage to the beautiful family of plantigrade, which still suffer from this bad experience of meeting with him and his machine-monster. E 'is certainly true that threats to the bears Marsica - to remove the park which also gives rise to all possible actions in the prevention and repression - and this also counts many other situations, such as unregulated tourism, mountain roads, invasive hunting, overgrazing, poaching, various assaults to the territory (someone adds invasive research and studies), but it is essential that men are polite and respectful of the animals in all their forms and expressions of life and, therefore, even in chance encounters with them, when is very good and enjoy the beautiful view, but doing so in full responsibility, respect their peace and their movements.
In the given situation, the motorist, possibly curbing his instincts predator would have to stop, as before the normal "pedestrians," let them cross the road (home movies, why not? There would be stato tutto il tempo!) e ripartire con calma; informando poi dell’accaduto, da buon cittadino, le locali guardie del Parco e, possibilmente, consegnare il filmato, utilizzabile per le attività del Parco, con citazione dell’autore. Quello che non è accettabile , aggiunge il Presidente del Parco, oltre al comportamento poco corretto tenuto, è soprattutto la successiva tentata e , forse, riuscita commercializzazione e speculazione “economica” delle immagini. Ovviamente il Parco assumerà ogni iniziativa possibile per evitare che ciò si ripeta.
Il Parco fa perciò appello a tutti i cittadini, residenti e visitatori, so that in every meeting "close" with the protected animals, the behavior is always respectful and careful to avoid their dangers and damage.
These animals are unique and priceless great that all the world envies to Italy, concludes the President of the Board.
National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise November 22, 2010

Press Release No. 90/2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


the exhibition "Italy is not seen"

December 2, part of the review of the Real Cinema " Italy is not seen ", organized at national UCC (Union of Arci film circles) and at provincial level by Arci Viterbo and etanercept (University Association for Economic Cooperation and Development) to promote the cinema of real that has no place in Italian cinemas.
The program consists of three screenings during the month of December (every Thursday at 21 at the Cinema Trieste).
Entrance 4 €, reduced by Arci
card info to:

It starts with a screening of
The four volts and Michelangelo Frammartino
Director's Fortnight Cannes 2010
Silver Ribbon Special 2010

A Calabrian town perched on high hills from which you can see the Ionian Sea in the distance, a place where time seems to stand still, where the stones have the power to change events and goats stop to contemplate the cielo.Qui live his last days, an old shepherd. He's sick. He thinks he's found the right medicine in the dust collected from the floor of the church, dissolved in drinking sera.Nello every patch of black earth of a pen, a goat gives birth to a white kid discomfort lasts only a few moments of life: the eyes open immediately, feet already support the weight of the body. The screen is filled by this new presence. The kid grows up, becomes stronger, start playing. On the day of its release inadvertently left behind the rest of the flock and is lost in the vegetation, until you leave exhausted at the foot of a majestic Fir ... (Continued).
The big tree in the cool mountain ranges. Time passes, seasons change quickly, the large fir with them. The sound of her hair fills the silence. Suddenly, a mechanical noise.
Fir lying on the ground. It was crippled, reduced to its skeleton. Its white wood is made into charcoal through the work of the old coal room. The gaze is lost in the smoke of the ashes.
A poetic vision on the cycles of life and nature, the forgotten traditions of a timeless place. A science fiction film without special effects, which accompanies the viewer on a magical and unknown world, to discover the secret lives of four mysteriously interwoven into each other.

Italy is not seen
Cinema Trieste

December 2 at 21
The Four Times of Michelangelo Frammartino

December 9 hours 21
Brothers of Italy by Branko Schmidt

December 16 at 21
of me what you know Jalongo to Valerio
will present the author

Monday, November 22, 2010

1922 Ford Doctors Coupe Clipart

Nostra as protection for ancient woods Sila?

Quale tutela per i boschi secolari della Sila?

…. “ Nessuno che visiti questa regione deve rinunciare alla visione di questo spazio rinchiuso dalle cime dei monti.

Chi abbia voglia di godere la bellezza di questi paesaggi selvosi, prima che scompaiano dalla faccia della terra, dovrà affrettarsi (a vederli)”…..
Così scrive Norman Douglas in Old Calabria , published in 1915. In this work the writer and traveler Anglo-German meticulously describes the plateau of the Sila and the other mountains in the region, who had visited during one of his three adventurous journeys on foot or mule.
Fear of Douglas, even after one century, it is also ours, even more distressing. For many years now powerless witness to the continuous assaults on the natural heritage and landscape due to numerous cuts affecting large areas of forest in the perimeter of the Sila National Park and surrounding areas.                                                 
silane The scourge of deforestation has increased enormously in recent times due to biomass power stations in the Crotone and licensing, by the region of Calabria, in August 2008 directly authorizes the cutting of forests without the prior impact assessment, obligatory in the areas placed. Almost
throughout the park is interested in this phenomenon, which is advancing relentlessly, despite the complaints of the associations, causing considerable damage to forests, the mountain landscape and biodiversity, in open contradiction with the aims of the Framework Law 394/91, which established the national parks, among the best in Europe for the conservation and protection of biodiversity.
By law, the National Parks should be able to protect the ecosystems within its borders including also produces benefits for the area. But if protection laws are not properly adhered to or enforced in daily practice, the objectives of sustainable economic development will be hardly achieved.
Regarding the Ente Parco della Sila, we hope that will be adopted as soon as the new Plan and the Rules of the park, aimed, inter alia, as required by 394/91, to a greater power of decision on permitting the cut within the protected areas, a power which currently only pertains to the Region. This would limit the number of destructive interventions in protected areas, preserving a unique heritage of forest biodiversity and landscape value.
If the proper management of the Park by all the parties involved will replaces distorted and improper use of forest resources, will cause, in addition to the destruction of natural heritage and landscape, among other things, protected by the Italian Constitution (art. 9), also damage to employment and economic activity (tourism and hospitality, agro-forestry. pastoral, agricultural quality, typical products, collecting forest fruits and berries).
Protective legislation so there. Quite the contrary. missing rather than the rules and regulations, the sense of responsibility and care for the public good by those who, institutional role, sono chiamati al (buon) governo del territorio.
La Convenzione Europea
 del Paesaggio del 2000, ratificata a Firenze nel 2006 (Legge N.14), impegna le Amministrazioni Comunali, oltre che alla tutela del loro territorio, anche ad un percorso decisionale partecipato nel caso in cui si tratti di interventi che modificano il Paesaggio.
Tale Convenzione è stata ripresa, per essere attuata nella Regione, dalla Carta Calabrese del Paesaggio. L’Ente Regione ha sottoscritto, il 30 Maggio 2006, nella qualità di membro fondatore, lo statuto della RECEP (Rete Europea per la attuazione della Convenzione Europea del Paesaggio). Tutti gli atti su citati, prodotti o sottoscritti dall’Ente Regione, sono indirizzati alla tutela massima del territorio, approvati e condivisi dalle amministrazioni locali firmatarie del documento. 
Succede invece che alcune Amministrazioni Comunali, il cui territorio ricade inside and outside the boundaries of the Parco della Sila, they insist on their plan to impoverishment and destruction of forests, forgetting that the forests falling within the boundaries of parks or in areas SIC and / or SPA are protected by the laws creating, allowing the rare bio-diversity, often endemic to survive.
This, despite being signatories to the Convention themselves RECEP protection and, therefore, appears in their records as individuals primarily responsible for safeguarding and delegates.
At this point we ask ourselves: the forests are lush forests of Calabria live, be safeguarded for future generations to pass them or are subject to market *?
There, November 19, 2010 ; ; ItaliaNostra Group Sila

Note * The cultural and natural heritage is an asset in the industrial and technological civilization in which we live, can not do without, if he wants to continue to exist. Industrial civilization has shown society to efficiency and now need to give it a 'religion', who can say to contradict everything that tends to make man into a pure consumer. The predatory relationship with nature is no longer possible "....( Giorgio Bassani)

Strawberry Bikini Playground

bridges and purpose of national parks - a letter of Franco Zunino

national parks of the South are still coming in more and more disturbing news about the meaning in our country gives to these institutions. It seems that all the administrations, especially those municipalities which at the time, without understanding that a National Park is primarily a constraint on the land and environment and urban development initiative, have agreed to join. Every municipality is inventing the wildest projects, projects which should never be made into a park for more public money.

The last news came to the writer's Association is a competition for a project to bridge the Tibetan "in the spectacular gorges of the Racanelli (the only part of this torrent remained intact), funded by the Operational Programme Val d'Agri. The total budget for the project would be one million euro (and then tell us that there is a crisis and who do not know where to cut the budget law, and there are also those who complained about cuts to the National Parks!).

The bridge would link the center of the Castelsaraceno rocky ridge known as "Castel Old Man" and the Monte Raparo.

The project has already been inserted by the National Park of Lucan, in the 2010/2013 three-year program of public works to be carried out with funds for National Parks in integrated tourism offer Lagonegrese Val d'Agri-.

a scandal! To require the repeal of the National Park contrast with its primary purpose!

Perhaps it would be the case that the Ministry of Environment provvedesse to alert these authorities to the purpose of a National Park are other, and that it would be better that the administration of the Park to a provvedesse three-year program for the conservation of natural beauty and biodiversity values \u200b\u200bthat each National Park has a duty to preserve. The National Park was not for school "three-year plans for tourism development," meaning all the works to build the craziest and impacting on landscape and environment that works just a National Park is intended to prohibit.

A National Park is not a growth industry! Conservation and development are at odds, and prove you are all the major and most important national parks in the world, and especially the historical ones that are the basis of their concept.

Perhaps the leaders of these Parks South are also wrong to propose to them the place they occupy, perhaps they were intended rather politicized to public agencies, and believed they found in a park the public body usually indulge themselves in which to find funding for projects as varied as they get even money and the money can be procurement of works!

Perhaps it's someone who informs them that they should take public money primarily to purchase or obtain in the management of natural terrain parks. Because this is what the countries of the Parks when historians set up a park or any other protected area!

With best regards.
; ; ; (Franco Zunino)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

... More Condition_symptomsmyositis

Controllo di sicurezza

Jeans, I-Pod, toothbrush, mascara, my lucky t-shirt Oasis Tour 2009, my t-shirt unfortunate Oasis Tour 2009 (not confondiamole!), A book, a book to read if the first had finished, a pencil, gum, a bus ticket ...

Yes, it seems that the safety officer will extract each object from my suitcase. E 'reassuring to know that the safety of airport takes his work so seriously, but while the guy slowly learn yet another empty bag of candy from my bag, I can not help but think that if this research were a bit 'less advanced system would not be put at risk the safety of anyone! I would say that at this point must be clear that no secret weapons, contraband goods, migrant workers, animals at risk of extinction, under the last remaining items in the suitcase (which, in case you were wondering what it is, they are a balm for lips, a flyer Week of Philosophy, a box of Travelgum). But patience!, I know that there is nothing I could do to speed up this process, I can only avoid giving notice to the employee who has forgotten a couple of other nonsense that I had placed in the pocket procedure. In the Air , the character played by George Clooney is specialized in handing control of security in seconds. It 'a fine art that has developed through years of flight. However, this proves that anything we can do to reduce the length of time there.
First, carefully choose our row. There are some passengers who is not advisable to jump on the bandwagon: the old woman who tries to bring a thermos of tea on board, athletes who yells "What do you mean when you say that the skis are not considered carry-on luggage?" and especially the man with a spider web tattoo on his face: he's certainly convinced that highlights her eyes green, but the controller seems to have written on their foreheads "Check every orifice of my body, please .
Second, do not wear a belt, or at least make sure your pants are on, even if you were to remove it.
Third, some airports require passengers that they do not fall your shoes: a pair of slip-on or dancers might help. Think twice before you decide to present at the airport already barefoot, barefoot running is usually considered synonymous with madness, especially if accompanied from wearing a pair of jeans at the knees. Therefore, consider well the second and third points, especially if you have a spider web tattooed on his face. If all
These measures will not suffice for a quick check, industriatevi to become a celebrity. The celebrities are never inspected. With the exception of Mike Tyson.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Boats For Sale In Florida

mother bear and her cubs: a meeting on a road State


Mama Bear and litter

misdirected as it is scandalous!
Here, it was enough that a real journalistic news (because there was all the news!) andasse in cronaca nazionale, sia della stampa cartacea sia dei media televisivi perché i soliti animalisti si mettessero a gridare alla scandalo, quando scandalo non è. La notizia? La mamma orsa con i suoi tre cuccioli (fatto questo sì eccezionale!) incontrata nottetempo sulla strada statale che da Scanno scende a Sulmona (Abruzzo), seguita passo passo da un automobilista per qualche centinaio di metri e filmati col telefonino.

Un fatto inconsueto, ma un fatto casuale, non voluto. Nessuno è andato a cercare l’orso per poi disturbarlo o infastidirlo per tentare di fotografarlo o riprenderlo. Il vero disturbo agli orsi avviene durante la season when out of curiosity or for "love" in many of this animal are queued in groups organized by cooperatives, associations and leaders behind lavish payments and regular permits rise in real intimate places to be able to observe and photograph the bear, in order to then tell their "adventure" with the bear to friends and relatives. Not to mention those night to watch the Wolf, and maybe even the bear! This is a real disorder that affected every year the bear, and suffering for decades from what a wretched management of the park brought the hiking tourism which affects sound for his country, calling it "environmentally friendly" than focus of tourist activities (so as to strengthen these) countries and on the valley floor, without pushing to force people to venture out in search of bears in the forests and mountains, attracted more shelters, benches and picnic areas, rather than by desire to enjoy the true nature of the park. This is the real disturbance to bear, that disorder that from the mid-70s (and especially those in '80 and '90) of the last century has broken down the population by increasing the bears away from the area of \u200b\u200bthe Park pushing them to the Majella to the northeast, and the Velino-Sirente at Gran Sasso and Laga Sibillini in the north, the east and the Matese Lucretili south.
Bears scared for a few hundred yards along the road between Scanno Sulmona and not for nothing were out of the park, and even well outside its protection zone outside!
The disturbance caused to the young female is regrettable, because it would have to extend less than it has been protracted, but it is also understandable that it happened. Who cast the first stone in that situation would not have done the same, driven by curiosity and the pleasure of seeing the bear and movie! And cast the first stone who has not seen that scene on TV with admiration for this animal, rather than changing channel in protest!
We wanted to hear so many complaints about this beautiful wildlife scene for years made against those who do little or nothing to save this animal, and think only of conventions, "terms" and study its behavior, even at risk of inflicting horrible wounds and heal them (because they capture a bear is always dangerous thing, and not without risk to his safety!). Instead this has not happened. Stop the noise tourism in natural areas where bears live, not along the highways and provincial! Once again, save the bear who says she loves him!
Murialdo, 19 Novembre 2010                                                IL SECRETARY GENERAL

                                                 Franco Zunino
                                                                                      (già studioso dell’Orso bruno marsicano)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

... Conjunctivitis More Condition_symptoms

Un giorno a Parigi

Breakfast at 10.00 am Coquelicot

h 11.00 Around Montmartre

13:30 h Lunch at Moulin de la Galette

h 14. 45 The house of Van Gogh

15:00 h Coffee from Café Les 2 Moulins

h 16.00 The wonderful of Laduree macarons

h 16.30 showcases animated Boulevard Hausmann

h 20.30 to drink ' Hard Rock Café in Boulevard Montmartre

h 22.00 Back to Montmartre

h 23:45 A glass of wine from La Villa des Abbesses

01:00 h Return to the hotel, Bonnenuit!

What Colour Jelly Bracelet Are You


Every Thursday for 5 consecutive Thursday, the newspaper "Il Manifesto" devotes a whole page in the world Arci. A trip from North to South, to tell the countless reality of an association which has about 1 million members and 5,400 clubs scattered throughout the country, which is more often a place where they feel at home, work, learn, know ... TRAVEL
The axis of today speaks of "Radio Onda Pazza".
A St. John Circle Peppino Impastato soul radio anticamorra Helping children to overcome the blackmail of the clan, to teach the disabled and Roma children do after school. The many streams of the association between Naples and Caserta, a region difficult but full of vitality and initiatives

Buy the poster,
good read.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

08 Silverado 12 Inch Subwoofer Box

Nada and Fausto Mesolella in concept to Vejano. Buy tickets.

Officina Culturale della Tuscia, in the theater season Vejano, is organizing the concert Nada and Fausto Mesolella November 19 at 21:00.

view of the ongoing collaboration with the Cultural Workshop, at Arci Viterbo you can book and buy tickets for the event (cost only € 8).

For info: 0761333958 and

November 19 - Hours 21 - Nada & Fausto Mesolella in "Pop music chamber"

Theatre Vejano

E 'was born in 1994 in collaboration between Nada and guitarist Fausto Mesolella Avion Travel, and gets countless praise followed by many concerts in Italy and Europe. The project is documented by a CD entitled "Nada Trio" with the addition of bass Ferruccio Spinetti, hard and won the Premio Tenco Award Musicultura of Recanati and will then be distributed on newsstands from Olis and then distributing traditional " Stories of Note ". After years of concerts in 2001 back in the studio together and record the album "Love is very strong and the body no "with the production of Nada and Fausto Mesolella with Pasquale Minieri. The personal tone of voice Nada blends well with the guitar rhythms Mesolella capable of ranging from rock, jazz and new age. "Pop music chamber" is the most appropriate definition of this show that includes songs like the bewildering "As it was cold" by Piero Ciampi, "Istanbul Venice" by Franco Battiato, the popular "What is cold" and big hits like " The heart is a gypsy, "" Love You Anyway "," I'll hold you "and classic folk tradition as" Maremma "until oggi (Guardami negli occhi, Luna in Piena, ......) in cui oltre ad essere interprete Nada è anche autrice dei brani.

La Stagione Teatrale Vejanese è un progetto dell'Officina Culturale della Tuscia con il sostegno della Regione Lazio, Assessorato alla Cultura, Spettacolo e Sport.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Shuttle Mv42v1.3 Handbuch

Facebook and the Sixities

Whether you admit it or not, social networks have changed our lives more than we could have imagined the day when we first entered the string facebook (dot) com in the address bar of your browser. Recognize that they have an intense virtual nobody likes, the fact is that social networks have entered our daily lives and have become almost synonymous with the Internet (ever heard someone say " I read on Facebook, no, I mean, Internet ?). It seems now that our lives must necessarily pass into the hands of Mark Zuckerberg, who inspires gave us what we always wanted: an easy way to build a public image without too much effort and perhaps to spy on ourselves, on this, even more than the others.
Well, everybody talks about and Zoe is no exception. He does so much advertising showing you these beautiful vintage, a little 'steampunk, created by the agency advising Brazilian Moma Propaganda for social networks and beyond.