You would have never believed that a magazine like Vogue UK fine could devote an entire article to poop? Why not? Moreover, there are several essays on the topic. Professor Virginia Smith, for example, has picked up a book in the history of human evacuated from the splendors of ancient Greece Victorian age, arguing that book-rule number one-the powerful have always had a great relationship with this materialissima catharsis (think, to name a few, the habit of Henry VIII to be to make poo con ben 28 autorità politiche, discutendo di questioni di Stato, o alla alta carica, presente, ancora, alla sua corte, che prevedeva come unico compito il presiedere alle attività evacuative dei reali) e –regola numero due- la presunta intimità della defecazione è una invenzione contemporanea o, almeno, moderna. Forse non sarebbe d’accordo Jean-Paul Sartre che, nel suo L’Essere e il Nulla, teorizzava le ragioni esistenzialistiche di questo ripudio. Insomma: storici, filosofi, re. Quanti amatori e teorici dell’ultima fase del processo di digestione! C’è una dottoressa inglese che alla cacca ha dedicato la vita, tanto da autodefinirsi “Queen of Poo”. E non è la sola. Attorno this natural activity, has also built his fortune to Dr. Evans, her English well, who earned the nickname Balloon Lady, for having developed the technique of the balloon, which teaches his patients, especially women with poor relationship with your toilet, the art of pooing (pooping in U.S. slang): detail saving them there. The journalist in Vogue UK Christa D'Souza, had come to visit to test their skills and to learn that, first, take a pose when you are sitting too Ladylike there is counterproductive, and secondly, if you say cheese when you get photographed, might be useful to know that while you poo you should say ouge the word, or better, with an emphasis on ouggggge g. And we hope that what comes out is not it, this time, huge! And yet, Christa contains the words of a 'friend: "We eat, we shit: no big deal ..." and vows that are not hard to find women who do it in front of their spouse. If the Marquis De Sade marzipan offered to their fans because their poop has a pleasant scent, the world of hi-tech opens new doors to pooing around the perversions: and so, there are those who swap photos via mms brown. Do not start watching with some concern your new blackberry?
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