Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cb Anteny Bazowe Yagi

O proles - The cry of nature

"O proles genitrixque rerum,
vinculum mundi stebilisque nexus,
gemma terrenis, speculum caducis,
                 lucifer orbis.
Pax amor virtus regimen potestas
ordo lex finis via dux origo
vita lux splendor species figura
                 regula mundi.
Que, tuis mundum moderans habenis,
cuncta concordi stabilita nodo
nectis et pacis glutino maritas
                 celica terris.
Que, Noys puras recolens ideas,
singulas rerum species monetas,
rem togans forma clamidemque forme
                 pollice formans.
Cui favet celum, famulatur aer,
quam colit tellus, veneratur unda,
cui, velut mundi domine, tributum
                 singula solvunt.
Que, diem nocti vicibus cathenans,
cereum solis tribuis diei,
lucido lune speculo soporans
                 nubila noctis.
Que polum stellis variis inauras,
etheris nostri solium serenans,
siderum gemmis varioque celum
                 milite comples.
Que novis celi faciem figuris
protheans mutas aviumque vulgus
aeris nostri regione donas
                 legeque stringis.
Cuius ad nutum iuveniscit orbis,
silva crispatur folii capillo
et sua florum tunicata veste
                 terra superbit.
Que minas ponti sepelis et auges,
sincopans cursum pelagi furori,
ne soli vultum tumulare possit
                 equoris estus.
Tu vie causam resera petenti,
cur petis terras, peregrina celis?
Cur tue nostris deitatis offers
                 munera terris?
Ora cur fletus pulvia rigantus?
Quid tui vultus lacrime prophetant?
Fletus interni satis est doloris
                 language fidelis. "

" O daughter of God, the mother of all things,
constraint of the world and secure bond,
gem and mirror things deciduous
light of the universe.
Peace love driving under power
order law order via command splendid light source
life form image
rule the world.
you who lead the world with your reins
all things in harmony
knot tightens and twists with a peace vncolo
the heavenly things to the ground.
You, which also covers the ideas of the mind,
mold every aspect of things,
matter of form and sprinkle with
inch plasmas this form.
We honor the sky, you are submissive air,
makes you free land, the wave you worship, all things

give a tribute to you, sovereign of the world.
Alternate day and night, day
deliver the torch of the sun, the clouds of the night to rock

the brilliant reflection of the moon.
You make golden sky with many stars,
brighten the regions of our atmosphere,
fill the sky of the stars of the gems
and their various ranks. Becoming silent

the face of heaven with new figures and make a gift
our atmosphere to a multitude of birds and submit them to your
law. When you sign
rejuvenates the universe, the woods
sway with thousands and thousands of leaves,
e fiera è la terra di vedersi ricoperta
del suo manto di fiori.
Tu riduci o accresci la minaccia del mare,
bloccando la furibonda corsa dei flutti,
così che le acque in tumulto non possano ricoprire
il volto della terra.
Ora, ti prego, dimmi perchè
esule dal cielo, ritorni sulla terra?
Perchè offri alle nostre terre
i doni della tua divinità?
Perchè il tuo volto è rigato di pianto?
Che significano quelle lacrime sul tuo viso?
Il pianto è infatti voce fedele
di un profondo dolore."



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