Friday, February 18, 2011

Gallstones And Leg Pain

Enel: Assembly Viggianello

Affollata assemblea popolare a Viggianello. All’ordine del giorno l’acqua ad uso irriguo e la centrale Enel del Mercure, che proprio dal comune lucano dovrebbe prelevare l’acqua necessaria al suo funzionamento, depauperando ulteriormente una situazione già di per sé non florida. La riunione, presieduta dal sindaco Antonio Fiore, ha visto la presenza anche del sindaco di Rotonda, Giovanni Pandolfi, nonché di numerosi esponenti del Forum “Stefano Gioia”. I Sindaci hanno sottolineato, ancora una volta, la contrarietà assoluta al progetto dell’Enel, nonché l’impossibilità di accettare qualsiasi soluzione diversa dalla chiusura definitiva della centrale, con il ritorno dell’area alla sua naturale vocazione agricola e turistica. Gli aspetti legali sono stati illustrati dall’avvocato Enzo Bonafine che ha anche anticipato le ulteriori iniziative -ricorso al Consiglio di Stato- in corso, volte ad ottenere finalmente giustizia in this scandalous affair. Dr. Ferdinando Laghi emphasized the serious health risks related to an eventual opening of the plant, as well as damage to agriculture and tourism that will inevitably, in the fragile economy of the entire crisis. Antonietta Lauria to the task of pointing out the need to continue with the mobilization and even expand it with new initiatives. Since all the emphasis on the impossibility for the infamous Enel project, to be created against the will of the people who inhabit the territory and that, even in the occasion, showed greatest firmness and determination to resist this very serious attack on the territory, heart of the Pollino National Park. And irresolute and dilatory attitude of the Park-was found-left, in fact, free field Enel for their project, which also is blatantly contrary to the same-as State Attorney Power said - with the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe park. This behavior was also noted that threatens to undermine the very existence of the organization. In conclusion the mayors Flower and Pandolfi, in addition to the efforts of popular mobilization, have announced formal steps for the immediate initiation of an institutional table, no longer be delayed, with the Park Board, the Province of Potenza and the Basilicata region, as soon as possible to restore the trampled rights of the population of the valley.
Viggianello February 18, 2011
Forum "Stephanie Joy"
and Associations of Calabria and Basilicata
for the protection of law and land


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