Today ranked the best dressed tourists. And the Japanese are one step away from the podium. Who have finally decided to abandon the binomial Bermuda - camera around his neck?
Leaving aside the easy ironies which opens the way to the wardrobe of the epic German tourist terry socks, wool when, triumphant in the unlikely shoes spider, a dress up really bad on holiday are the English girls. You've probably noticed in the streets of your city, these blondes-in exhausting shopping tour in search of tees redden cheeks and that when they make a break in a cafe without inhibition come off your shoes and only wear-merciless hot pants rather sloppy.
Here, then, my personal list of summer Never use : -at number one, rubber flip-flops: banned, damage the appearance of "the queue for the Uffizi lasted six hours and I risked heat stroke;
-plastic bags or big bags of Ikea to contain what is not entrato in valigia: cascasse il mondo, non presentatevi nella hall dell'hotel con l'aspetto di chi è reduce da un giro al supermarket, o prima o poi vi troverete in situazioni imbarazzanti;
-il baseball cap: conferisce quel tocco da gita scolastica cui è decisamente preferibile rinunciare.
Buone vacanze!
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