Bien loving loyal servant - just love and trust serve
Bien loving, loyal servant,
Crida dezir et mis Penas,
es en las arenas seem
or en las Ondas escrevir.
It served as much as
sembrara en la ribera,
keep this reverdesciera
Diera et de fructo yes.
Et aun por Verdat dezir,
yo is so escreviera
en la mar, yo bien podiera
todas las Ondas tenir.
just love and trust to serve, say the sentences
Or else shouting
seminar is in the sand
or ask to write the wave.
If what I did was to serve
seed along the beach,
I am sure it would or would
green fruit of herself;
to want to tell the truth again, when I wrote so much
into the sea, well I could give
's Ink whole wave.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Aiki Jiujitsu Instructional Dvds Courses

Today ranked the best dressed tourists. And the Japanese are one step away from the podium. Who have finally decided to abandon the binomial Bermuda - camera around his neck?
Leaving aside the easy ironies which opens the way to the wardrobe of the epic German tourist terry socks, wool when, triumphant in the unlikely shoes spider, a dress up really bad on holiday are the English girls. You've probably noticed in the streets of your city, these blondes-in exhausting shopping tour in search of tees redden cheeks and that when they make a break in a cafe without inhibition come off your shoes and only wear-merciless hot pants rather sloppy.
Here, then, my personal list of summer Never use : -at number one, rubber flip-flops: banned, damage the appearance of "the queue for the Uffizi lasted six hours and I risked heat stroke;
-plastic bags or big bags of Ikea to contain what is not entrato in valigia: cascasse il mondo, non presentatevi nella hall dell'hotel con l'aspetto di chi è reduce da un giro al supermarket, o prima o poi vi troverete in situazioni imbarazzanti;
-il baseball cap: conferisce quel tocco da gita scolastica cui è decisamente preferibile rinunciare.
Buone vacanze!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Full Pattycake In Training
Omnis mundi creature - The world runs away
Omnis mundi creatura
quasi liber et pictura
nobis est in speculum;
nostrae vitae, nostrae mortis,
nostri status, nostrae sortis
fidele signaculum.
Nostrum statum pingit rosa,
nostri status decens glosa,
nostrae vitae lectio;
quae dum primo mane floret,
defloratus flos effloret
vespertino senio.
Ergo spirans flos exspirat,
in pallorem dum delirat
oriendo moriens;
simul vetus et novella,
simul senex et puella
rosa marcet oriens.
Sic aetatis ver humanae
iuventutis primo mane
reflorescit paululum;
mane tamen hoc excludit
vitae vesper, dum concludit
vitale crepusculum.
Cuius decor dum perorat,
eius decus mox deflorat
aetas, in qua defluit:
fil flos fenum, gemma lutum,
homo cinis, dum tributum
homo morti tribuit.
Cuius vita, cuius esse
poena, labor et necesse
vitam morte claudere;
sic mors vitam, risum luctus,
umbra diem, portum fluctus
mane claudit vespere.
In nos primum dat insultum
poena mortis gerens vultum,
labor mortis histrio;
nos proponit in laborem,
nos assumit in dolorem,
mortis est conclusio.
Ergo clausum sub hac lege
statum tuum, homo, lege,
tuum esse respice;
quid fuisti nasciturus, Sis Praesens
quid, quid futurus,
diligenter inspice!
Luge poenam, culpam Plange,
motus brakes, fastum fringes, puts
supercilia! Mentis et rector
mentem King, fluxus line
fluant it deviates in!
All creatures of the world are like a book or a painting, a mirror for us
true symbol of our life, our death,
of our condition, our destiny. The pink paint
our state, our state is
appropriate comment,
is teaching for our lives, while
blooms early in the morning
as a flower without petals wither into old age of
So the flower withers, turning pale and breathing loop
already dying at birth;
together old and new, together
old girl, the rose blooming
rots. So the man
spring blossoms
briefly in the early morning of youth;
the night life of hunting in a hurry this morning and concludes
the twilight of life. While
unfolds its beauty,
spend the time in which consumers suffered his grace, the flower becomes
hay, mud bud, ash
man, while
pays tribute to the death.
His life, his existence
are pain, fatigue and
need to close the life and death, so death closes
life, plant rice,
the shadow of the day, the air port,
the evening in the morning. The first insult
the creeps
the pain that has the face of death, pain
, mask of death in the fatigue
first immerses us
pain forces us, the conclusion is
Constrained by this law, therefore,
laws, or man, your condition, looks good
your being;
what looks without hesitation when you were born,
as you are now, what you will!
Cry your pain, regrets, your guilt,
restrains the passions, break the arrogance;
rinuncia all'orgoglio!
Reggitore della mia mente, auriga,
guida l'anima, contieni i flutti
perchè non errino dal retto cammino.
Omnis mundi creatura
quasi liber et pictura
nobis est in speculum;
nostrae vitae, nostrae mortis,
nostri status, nostrae sortis
fidele signaculum.
Nostrum statum pingit rosa,
nostri status decens glosa,
nostrae vitae lectio;
quae dum primo mane floret,
defloratus flos effloret
vespertino senio.
Ergo spirans flos exspirat,
in pallorem dum delirat
oriendo moriens;
simul vetus et novella,
simul senex et puella
rosa marcet oriens.
Sic aetatis ver humanae
iuventutis primo mane
reflorescit paululum;
mane tamen hoc excludit
vitae vesper, dum concludit
vitale crepusculum.
Cuius decor dum perorat,
eius decus mox deflorat
aetas, in qua defluit:
fil flos fenum, gemma lutum,
homo cinis, dum tributum
homo morti tribuit.
Cuius vita, cuius esse
poena, labor et necesse
vitam morte claudere;
sic mors vitam, risum luctus,
umbra diem, portum fluctus
mane claudit vespere.
In nos primum dat insultum
poena mortis gerens vultum,
labor mortis histrio;
nos proponit in laborem,
nos assumit in dolorem,
mortis est conclusio.
Ergo clausum sub hac lege
statum tuum, homo, lege,
tuum esse respice;
quid fuisti nasciturus, Sis Praesens
quid, quid futurus,
diligenter inspice!
Luge poenam, culpam Plange,
motus brakes, fastum fringes, puts
supercilia! Mentis et rector
mentem King, fluxus line
fluant it deviates in!
All creatures of the world are like a book or a painting, a mirror for us
true symbol of our life, our death,
of our condition, our destiny. The pink paint
our state, our state is
appropriate comment,
is teaching for our lives, while
blooms early in the morning
as a flower without petals wither into old age of
So the flower withers, turning pale and breathing loop
already dying at birth;
together old and new, together
old girl, the rose blooming
rots. So the man
spring blossoms
briefly in the early morning of youth;
the night life of hunting in a hurry this morning and concludes
the twilight of life. While
unfolds its beauty,
spend the time in which consumers suffered his grace, the flower becomes
hay, mud bud, ash
man, while
pays tribute to the death.
His life, his existence
are pain, fatigue and
need to close the life and death, so death closes
life, plant rice,
the shadow of the day, the air port,
the evening in the morning. The first insult
the creeps
the pain that has the face of death, pain
, mask of death in the fatigue
first immerses us
pain forces us, the conclusion is
Constrained by this law, therefore,
laws, or man, your condition, looks good
your being;
what looks without hesitation when you were born,
as you are now, what you will!
Cry your pain, regrets, your guilt,
restrains the passions, break the arrogance;
rinuncia all'orgoglio!
Reggitore della mia mente, auriga,
guida l'anima, contieni i flutti
perchè non errino dal retto cammino.
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