prodouct: Yeah Yeah Yeahs's live
Made in: Rolling Stone (Milan) on May 31th
category: acid show
If you wait an event and consumed it. Consuming it, waiting. The waiting train, is the Sabbath of the village. (Twelve hours except suicides between the rails and ticket redemption by a percentage equal to 40%) Twelve hours vintage scrap metal as a euphemism, Intercity Notte know how to penetrate into the moist bone: BRINDISI - FAIR for hanging from the lips of Karen O and his band the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
neurotic dancing like an idiot, with all the exhibitionism of a provincial tour, and the crowd I bandage my eyes and dirty adrenaline and gin-lemon. Less than an Intercity Night on the other hand. The sound is basically acid and mixed-race dance and do not understand why, why I came from so far away o perché mi innamora questo frullato urticante di kiwi che sono gli YYY.
L’estetica milanese mi distrae pure.
Chitarre acustiche grattugiate, falsetti e saliva, loop ossessivi e feedback come scotch tra una canzone e l’altra e il batterista che saluta il pubblico come un attore teatrale e tratta la batteria con fare da primo della classe nell’ora di ginnastica.
Due decine di canzoni, due cambi d’abito (il secondo dei quali è simile davvero alla tuta aderente del Kriminal di Magnus), due chitarristi (Imaad Wasif è un mercenario ausiliario) e due regali almeno per me: “Tell me the rockers to swallow” che mi lacera la gola in urla stonate (le mie s’intende) e “Pin” do not expect much, if not suffer it to three meters from me. Pogo and disco but with acids ("Phenomena", "Y Control" and the farewell song "Date with the Night") and "Gold Lion" sacred and esoteric. And the dances and songs of the brick of the good night ("The Sweets" and "Maps" ultra-sound), but acidic.
(Erik Chilly)
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