prodouct: SNOW
price: not for sale no yuppie yyeyyeye
category: sugar beds down in the Streets
succulent white wire, white car with white crests, white patches.
snow falls from the sky without clouds white sheet. Falls like so many paper notes, such as butterflies drunk, like an army of white ants workaholic. It falls so fast to afford somersaults lopsided, but if you look a bit 'higher up seems slow and slow and you baptize.
The roofs of cars become ammunition for tanks and bombs metaphorical game back on the streets and children as well, and even the pine trees become silhouettes by the fingers of granite and large hands knead balls cut slices of white bread of angels from the sidewalks. The snow settles and waits, as me.
Noi bambini delle terre calde la neve la viviamo con il timore che finisca tutto il prossimo minuto e ne controlliamo il flusso con una premura intermittente ogni 10 secondi; come a voler ricaricare questo carillon. La neve è un conto alla rovescia perché la caduta della neve dura in media un’ora ogni anno nel nostro paese. Ché grazie alla mancata ratificazione del protocollo di Kyoto ogni anno dura di più. E quest’anno dura gia da tre ore e i fili per stendere i panni sono tre piste curve di zucchero in equilibrio.
3 o 4 anni fa l’auto per gli annunci megafonici “alla cittadinanza” regalò un giorno di riposo scolastico che nessuno riusciva a crederci e ridevamo isterici raccontandoci questa barzelletta to convince us. "The snow freezes the harvest" ... but I do not believe it when the snow gives to children, and farmers will also grandchildren. My father said that we would have to go out with the camera or get down on anything, everything seems muffled as the beds. And my porch is a skating rink and there will be at least 5 cm of snow (!!!) of flowers. Wind
white, white palace, the white road, white roof, white leaves, white lamps.
All white. And I laugh when I read this joke to convince me that George Bush made me this gift.
(Erik Chilly)
price: not for sale no yuppie yyeyyeye
category: sugar beds down in the Streets
succulent white wire, white car with white crests, white patches.
snow falls from the sky without clouds white sheet. Falls like so many paper notes, such as butterflies drunk, like an army of white ants workaholic. It falls so fast to afford somersaults lopsided, but if you look a bit 'higher up seems slow and slow and you baptize.
The roofs of cars become ammunition for tanks and bombs metaphorical game back on the streets and children as well, and even the pine trees become silhouettes by the fingers of granite and large hands knead balls cut slices of white bread of angels from the sidewalks. The snow settles and waits, as me.
Noi bambini delle terre calde la neve la viviamo con il timore che finisca tutto il prossimo minuto e ne controlliamo il flusso con una premura intermittente ogni 10 secondi; come a voler ricaricare questo carillon. La neve è un conto alla rovescia perché la caduta della neve dura in media un’ora ogni anno nel nostro paese. Ché grazie alla mancata ratificazione del protocollo di Kyoto ogni anno dura di più. E quest’anno dura gia da tre ore e i fili per stendere i panni sono tre piste curve di zucchero in equilibrio.
3 o 4 anni fa l’auto per gli annunci megafonici “alla cittadinanza” regalò un giorno di riposo scolastico che nessuno riusciva a crederci e ridevamo isterici raccontandoci questa barzelletta to convince us. "The snow freezes the harvest" ... but I do not believe it when the snow gives to children, and farmers will also grandchildren. My father said that we would have to go out with the camera or get down on anything, everything seems muffled as the beds. And my porch is a skating rink and there will be at least 5 cm of snow (!!!) of flowers. Wind
white, white palace, the white road, white roof, white leaves, white lamps.
All white. And I laugh when I read this joke to convince me that George Bush made me this gift.
(Erik Chilly)
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