Vogue Italia, nelle edicole in questi giorni col numero di settembre, pubblica un articolo sulla percezione del corpo delle donne europee, i nostri standard di bellezza, l'ossessione della magrezza. L'ennesimo pezzo moraleggiante sulle ossessioni occidentali? No, Vogue, questa volta, va decisamente oltre.
La rivista pubblica, quasi in ogni numero, bei servizi fotografici di moda, che hanno per protagoniste donne in carne. Non di quelle che, con evidente superficialità , vengono definite da molti "le donne normali", ma donne belle, modelle , and meat. It seems to me a choice
apprezzabilissima: is publicized image of a woman who moves away from the standard bridge, without losing anything in style. In short, we do not talk about the home-test Where, as long as you are leaving because they appear as a sop and nothing more, unable to prove anything against the combination of beauty, thinness. There is a
though. The section in which these services are published is called, that's incredible, Curvy Vogue, which seems to me evidence makes it clear that those pages are not the real Vogue .
I said, however, that this time, Vogue went further. And he did it by entering in this section An article on Arab women, the veil, the compulsion.
"The burqa invisible" by Martina Liverani suggests the idea that strict diets, deprivation, the search for a certain physical standard to be with us that the burqa is at Muslim women. There is talk even of the countries where the burqa is obligatory not only a religious and social demand, in short, but a law. I find that the
Liverani and Fatema Mernissi, one of the most authoritative in describing the condition of Arab women, in whose statement the journalist follows, to escape the fact that the comparison is offensive to the Arab, it diminishes the suffering of those who can not decide card-not-what to wear, and religiosity of those women who burqa to attach a higher spiritual and sentimental value.
"femininity aside, on the one hand, the other a difficult self-acceptance" With these words, the comparison is made between the Eastern and Western women. We talk about femininity canceled as if the Arab girls were only denied the opportunity to live the fullness of her femininity, seems almost to give them some talk about the flirtation, as if that first of all they lacked was the assertion of their being women, and not, first of all, free human beings.
Share La rivista pubblica, quasi in ogni numero, bei servizi fotografici di moda, che hanno per protagoniste donne in carne. Non di quelle che, con evidente superficialità , vengono definite da molti "le donne normali", ma donne belle, modelle , and meat. It seems to me a choice
apprezzabilissima: is publicized image of a woman who moves away from the standard bridge, without losing anything in style. In short, we do not talk about the home-test Where, as long as you are leaving because they appear as a sop and nothing more, unable to prove anything against the combination of beauty, thinness. There is a
though. The section in which these services are published is called, that's incredible, Curvy Vogue, which seems to me evidence makes it clear that those pages are not the real Vogue .
I said, however, that this time, Vogue went further. And he did it by entering in this section An article on Arab women, the veil, the compulsion.
"The burqa invisible" by Martina Liverani suggests the idea that strict diets, deprivation, the search for a certain physical standard to be with us that the burqa is at Muslim women. There is talk even of the countries where the burqa is obligatory not only a religious and social demand, in short, but a law. I find that the
Liverani and Fatema Mernissi, one of the most authoritative in describing the condition of Arab women, in whose statement the journalist follows, to escape the fact that the comparison is offensive to the Arab, it diminishes the suffering of those who can not decide card-not-what to wear, and religiosity of those women who burqa to attach a higher spiritual and sentimental value.
"femininity aside, on the one hand, the other a difficult self-acceptance" With these words, the comparison is made between the Eastern and Western women. We talk about femininity canceled as if the Arab girls were only denied the opportunity to live the fullness of her femininity, seems almost to give them some talk about the flirtation, as if that first of all they lacked was the assertion of their being women, and not, first of all, free human beings.