Every Wednesday , Carla and I spend a few hours in the gym that we frequent termarium: whirlpool, showers, mud wraps smoothing seaweeds. Today we'll try that treatment with extracts of cocoa we read in the last issue of Vogue and we booked for days.
-Girls, came the new line of sponges, if you have reached the MSCS -Which stands for mens sana in corpore sano, you are entitled to these babies
gems I mentioned in the girl at the desk are two delicious bathrobes for the sauna : pretty dresses of cotton knitted honeycomb with termarium small and discreet logos on buttons that hold them closed on one side.
We hasten to renew your membership to the gym for the next quarter and we get, so the scope level MSCS. Koro in the room, ahead of two experienced aromatherapy massage, welcoming us with big smiles and two preposterous thong cotton gauze to wear to avoid damage to the slip with the products that will used in treatment. Categorically reject the idea of \u200b\u200bsun, cover with tissue inconsistent: the beauticians will throw a look of disapproval and mutter something about our provincial attitude and their professionalism sorely tested by arrogant customers like us. Then come back to the smiles on your face first and take to spread a layer of mud. When Carla and I try to exchange a few words, the beauty which was given the task to wrap in cellophane so we decided to shut up:-Girls, during these treatments, it is strongly recommended not to talk. If you want to find peace and enter into a state of total relaxation, should you stop talking, close your eyes and let yourself be enveloped by the benefits of aromatherapy. In a few minutes, the room will be issued a balsamic steam. This is the first stage, the "Andean Mountains"
This aromatherapy expert is already starting to make me nervous, but when I'm about to open my mouth, I feel his hands massaging my temples. -Relax, imagine a line running from your feet up along the spine, along your head and comes out to go beyond, beyond, infinitely
Okay, maybe we should start to worry . The girl I had been presented as a graduate of the Academy of Aromatherapy Kyoto. I did not think there was anything like that, but she seems to be very convinced of himself.
-It 's the latest addition to our great team and have excellent references. You will see that professionalism!
So I was presented by the receptionist, when I went to book a treatment. I close my eyes and try to really relax. I hear that Carla giggles, throw them a stern look and decide to be guided by a masseuse so wise.
E if he went to finish the session as thalassotherapy spa in Milan? I was almost asleep when my peace was interrupted by the splash Bullets proprio in direzione delle mie narici! Oppure, come quella volta in cui una signorina giapponese ha cominciato a passeggiare sulla mia schiena, dopo uno shatsu! Ma no, la fase “Monti Andini” sembra davvero voglia sciogliere la tensione che ho accumulato negli ultimi mesi. Un penetrante profumo di menta si diffonde attorno al mio lettino, le luci della sala Koro diventano verdi, di un verde davvero piacevole. Il suono dell’acqua che scende da una piccola fontanella per poi scorrere sulle pietre bollenti che giacciono sul fondo di questa e trarne un vapore profumato, provoca in me una sensazione di tranquillità davvero unica.
L’estetista mi invita a lavare via il fango nella doccia –balsamica anche quella- e a distendermi on a new bed in the room Wuvulu. Here we spend the second phase of treatment, one that includes a bath of chocolate . The bathroom consists of immersing in a tub filled with mud extracts of cocoa, very pungent smell, and that makes me very hungry! I have to distract me from my stomach and concentrate on something else, as I taught the yoga instructor! Here, the flame of the candle with orange blossom can go: I will keep my mind busy! The candle, the candle!
-Miss, you should eat more! The beauty of the body is the absence of overwhelming desire in the soul, not in the habit a diete strampalate…
Prepotenti desideri? Oddio, ha sentito il brontolio del mio stomaco! Faccio un sorrisino e farfuglio qualcosa sui Sette Savi , per dimostrarle che non sono una ragazza superficiale!
Lei esce, mi lascia sola per cinque minuti piuttosto piacevoli, poi viene ad aiutarmi ad uscire dalla vasca fangosa e completa il trattamento cospargendomi di olii essenziali.
Nell’ingresso del termarium c’è Carla, che ha terminato poco prima di me, visibilmente soddisfatta: -Lavanda è davvero un’esperta
-Lavanda? Che razza di nome è , Lavanda?
-L’aromaterapeuta, sai nella suola giapponese che attended, they required the students a name, type ... You know, like the nuns!
-Okay, Carla! ... After the passion for gardening, one might expect the setting for aromatherapy!
-Come on, girl, aromatherapy is a serious matter!
-Girls, came the new line of sponges, if you have reached the MSCS -Which stands for mens sana in corpore sano, you are entitled to these babies
gems I mentioned in the girl at the desk are two delicious bathrobes for the sauna : pretty dresses of cotton knitted honeycomb with termarium small and discreet logos on buttons that hold them closed on one side.
We hasten to renew your membership to the gym for the next quarter and we get, so the scope level MSCS. Koro in the room, ahead of two experienced aromatherapy massage, welcoming us with big smiles and two preposterous thong cotton gauze to wear to avoid damage to the slip with the products that will used in treatment. Categorically reject the idea of \u200b\u200bsun, cover with tissue inconsistent: the beauticians will throw a look of disapproval and mutter something about our provincial attitude and their professionalism sorely tested by arrogant customers like us. Then come back to the smiles on your face first and take to spread a layer of mud. When Carla and I try to exchange a few words, the beauty which was given the task to wrap in cellophane so we decided to shut up:-Girls, during these treatments, it is strongly recommended not to talk. If you want to find peace and enter into a state of total relaxation, should you stop talking, close your eyes and let yourself be enveloped by the benefits of aromatherapy. In a few minutes, the room will be issued a balsamic steam. This is the first stage, the "Andean Mountains"
This aromatherapy expert is already starting to make me nervous, but when I'm about to open my mouth, I feel his hands massaging my temples. -Relax, imagine a line running from your feet up along the spine, along your head and comes out to go beyond, beyond, infinitely
Okay, maybe we should start to worry . The girl I had been presented as a graduate of the Academy of Aromatherapy Kyoto. I did not think there was anything like that, but she seems to be very convinced of himself.
-It 's the latest addition to our great team and have excellent references. You will see that professionalism!
So I was presented by the receptionist, when I went to book a treatment. I close my eyes and try to really relax. I hear that Carla giggles, throw them a stern look and decide to be guided by a masseuse so wise.
E if he went to finish the session as thalassotherapy spa in Milan? I was almost asleep when my peace was interrupted by the splash Bullets proprio in direzione delle mie narici! Oppure, come quella volta in cui una signorina giapponese ha cominciato a passeggiare sulla mia schiena, dopo uno shatsu! Ma no, la fase “Monti Andini” sembra davvero voglia sciogliere la tensione che ho accumulato negli ultimi mesi. Un penetrante profumo di menta si diffonde attorno al mio lettino, le luci della sala Koro diventano verdi, di un verde davvero piacevole. Il suono dell’acqua che scende da una piccola fontanella per poi scorrere sulle pietre bollenti che giacciono sul fondo di questa e trarne un vapore profumato, provoca in me una sensazione di tranquillità davvero unica.
L’estetista mi invita a lavare via il fango nella doccia –balsamica anche quella- e a distendermi on a new bed in the room Wuvulu. Here we spend the second phase of treatment, one that includes a bath of chocolate . The bathroom consists of immersing in a tub filled with mud extracts of cocoa, very pungent smell, and that makes me very hungry! I have to distract me from my stomach and concentrate on something else, as I taught the yoga instructor! Here, the flame of the candle with orange blossom can go: I will keep my mind busy! The candle, the candle!
-Miss, you should eat more! The beauty of the body is the absence of overwhelming desire in the soul, not in the habit a diete strampalate…
Prepotenti desideri? Oddio, ha sentito il brontolio del mio stomaco! Faccio un sorrisino e farfuglio qualcosa sui Sette Savi , per dimostrarle che non sono una ragazza superficiale!
Lei esce, mi lascia sola per cinque minuti piuttosto piacevoli, poi viene ad aiutarmi ad uscire dalla vasca fangosa e completa il trattamento cospargendomi di olii essenziali.
Nell’ingresso del termarium c’è Carla, che ha terminato poco prima di me, visibilmente soddisfatta: -Lavanda è davvero un’esperta
-Lavanda? Che razza di nome è , Lavanda?
-L’aromaterapeuta, sai nella suola giapponese che attended, they required the students a name, type ... You know, like the nuns!
-Okay, Carla! ... After the passion for gardening, one might expect the setting for aromatherapy!
-Come on, girl, aromatherapy is a serious matter!