Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mucus Incareases Before Menstruation

Conflictus veris et hiemis - The contrast between spring and winter

Conveniunt subito cuncti de montibus altis
pastores pecudum vernali luce sub umbra
arborea, pariter laetas celebrare Camenas.
Adfuit et iuvenis Dafnis seniorque Palemon;
omnes hi cuculo laudes cantare parabant.
Ver quoque florigero succinctus stemmate venit,
frigida venit Hiems, rigidis hirsuta capillis.
His certamen erat cuculi de carmine grande.
Ver prior adlusit ternos modulamine versus:
"Opto meus veniat cuculus, carissimus ales.
Omnibus iste solet fieri gratissimus hospes
in tectis modulans rutilo bona carmina rostro."
Tum glacialis Hiems respondit voce severa:
"Non veniat cuculus, nigris sed dormiat antris.
Iste famem secum semper portare suescit."
"opto meus veniat cuculus cum germine laeto,
frigora depellat, Phoebo comes almus in aevum.
Phoebus amat cuculum crescenti luce serena."
"Non veniat cuculus, generat quia forte labores,
proelia congeminat, requiem disiungit amatam,
omnia disturbat: pelagi terraeque laborant."
"Quid tu, tarda Hiems, cuculo convitia cantas?
Qui torpore gravi tenebrosis tectus in antris
post epulas Veneris, post stulti pocula Bacchi?"
"Sunt mihi divitiae, sunt et convivia laeta,
est requies dulcis, calidus est ignis in aede.
Haec cuculus nescit, sed perfidus ille laborat."
"Ore feret flores cuculus et mella ministrat,
aedificatque domus, placidas et navigat undas,
et generat soboles, laetos et vestiet agros."
"Haec inimica mihi sunt, quae tibi laeta videntur.
Sed placet optatas gazas numerare per arcas
et gaudere cibis simul et requiescere semper."
"Quis tibi, tarda Hiems, semper dormire parata,
divitias cumulat, gazas vel congregat ullas,
si ver vel aestas ante tibi nulla laborant?"
"Vera refers: illi, quoniam mihi multa laborant,
sunt etiam servi nostra ditionne subacti,
iam mihi servantes domino, quaecumque laborant."
"Non illis dominus, sed pauper inopsque superbus,
nec te iam poteris per te tu pascere tantum,
ni tibi qui veniet cuculus alimonia praestet."
Tum respondit ovans sublimi e sede Palemon
et Dafnis pariter, pastorum et turba piorum:
"Desine plura, Hiems; rerum tu prodigus, atrox.
Et veniat cuculus, pastorum dulcis amicus.
Collibus in nostris erumpant germina laeta,
pascua sint pecori, requies et dulcis in arvis,
et virides rami praestent umbracula fessis,
uberibus plenis veniantque ad mulctra capellae,
et volucres varia Phoebum sub voce salutent.
Quapropter citius cuculus nunc ecce venito!
Tu iam dulcis amor, cunctis gratissimus hospes:
omnia te expectant, pelagus tellusque polusque,
salve, dulce decus, cuculus, per saecula salve!"

Rapidi scendono dagli alti monti
i pastori nella luce di primavera, sotto l'ombra
degli alberi serenamente, assieme, celebrano le Muse.
Vennero anche il giovane Dafni e il vecchio Palemone:
e tutti si apprestavano a cantare le lodi del cuculo.
Ecco la primavera, cinta di una ghirlanda di fiori;
ecco il freddo inverno, irto di capelli ghiacciati.
Tra loro nacque un gran contendere sul canto del cuculo.
Per prima cantò la primavera, modulando una strofa di tre versi:
"Venga il mio cuculo, uccello carissimo,
ospite assai gradito per tutte le case,
modulando dolci canti con il becco rosso."
Invece gelido con voce cupa rispose:
"Non venga il cuculo, ma dorma nelle oscure caverna,
poiché suole portare con sé la fame."
"Voglio che venga il mio cuculo per sempre compagno luminoso
the sun why it rejects the cold pleased with buds;
Phoebus loves the cuckoo in the growing light serene. "
" No, it is remote that the cuckoo door efforts,
increases the contrast, dissolves the beloved rest,
alter any thing, I suffer from the seas and lands. "
" Why, tired or winter, invent the cuckoo singing villagers,
you that numb you holed up in dark caves,
after the banquets of Venus, after the glasses of the Ebro Bacchus? "
" favors the rich, the gay banquet,
offer a sweet calm at home in the warmth of the fire. The cuckoo
ignore these things, but evil plot against me. "
"Ma il cuculo porterà nel becco fiori, regala il miele,
e costruisce nidi e naviga placide onde
e genera prole e riveste di festa i campi."
"Mi sono ostili queste cose che a te sembrano felici,
preferisco contare, nei forzieri, i tesori bramati,
e insieme assaporare i cibi e riposare all'infinito."
"Ma chi, o lento inverno, sempre pronto a dormire,
ti accumula ricchezze, ti ammassa tesori,
se, prima di te, la primavera e l'estate nulla fanno?"
"È vero, ma proprio perché per me si affaticano,
sono anche servi obbedienti al nostro volere,
essi ammucchiano per il loro padrone tutto ciò they produce. "
" You are not their boss, but a poor devil weak and proud.
Nor in fact you could guzzle so much if only
, returning, the cuckoo will not take you to feed. "
then applauding from his high site Palemon said
Daphnis and also together, and calm the crowd of shepherds
" Stop to talk nonsense, you scialaquatore winter, false wonders, cruel.
Ben is the cuckoo, sweet friend of the shepherds,
our hills will gladly cover shoots,
there are pastures for the sheep, and a reassuring peace in the fields, and green branches
ristorino with the shadow people tired
are the kids from swollen breasts milking
and the birds greet the sun with different voices.
Come quickly, even faster, and cuckoo!
You already were a sweet love and a welcome guest:
all waiting for you, the sea, earth, sky,
health to thee, sweet beauty, health to you, for ever, or cuckoo! "
Alcuin of York

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Anorexia Before After

Yo soy quien libre me there - I'm free those who saw

Yo soy quien libre me there,
yo quien olvidaros Puder,
know yo el que estoy por amaros
desque os knows
sin Dios y sin vos y mi.

Sin Dios, porque en vos love,
without you, they do not want;
for without me and the chorus is
it is you who I am. Assi
that sad Nasci,
as I could forget you;
I love you so that by this as soon as he
conoscì you,
without God and you and me.

are freed if vide chi, chi
are obliare voi potrebbe:
are per amare chi voi sto
, d when I saw conobbi,
senza Dio, né voi, né me.

Senza Dio, Perchè vi adore
senza voi, che non m'amate, senza
me, sia ben a mente,
perché voi mi possedete.
È così che nacqui triste:
se sol vi dimenticassi!
Son chi per amare voi
sto, da quando vi conobbi,
senza Dio, né voi, né me.


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hemorrhage Ovarian Cancer

Buscad, buen amor - Search, dear love

Buscad, buen amor,
con qué me falaguedes,
que mal enojada me tenedes.
Anoche, amor,
os estuve aguardando,
la puerta abierta,
candelas quemando;
y vos, buen amor,
con otra holgando.
Que mal enojadame tenedes.

Ricercate, caro amore,
in qual modo vezzeggiarmi,
ché son molto incollerita.
Ieri notte, amore mio,
sono stata ad aspettarvi,
con la porta ben aperta,
le candele consumando,
mentre voi, amore caro,
con un'altra a divertirvi:
ché son molto incollerita.


Monday, March 8, 2010

Heart Murmur Heartburn

For Murielem litteratam - Point Muriel

Tempora prisca decem se iactavere sibillis
et vestri sexus gloria multa fuit.
Unius ingenio presentia secula gaudent
et non ex toto virgine vate carent.
Nunc quoque sunt homini quedam commercia divum,
quos puto, nec fallor, virginis ore loqui.
Mente tua posuere dei penetrale verendum
osque sacrum vatem constituere suum.
Ore tuo quecumque fluunt vigilata priorum
trascendunt, solis inferiora deis.
Quicquid enim spiras est immortale tuumque
tanquam divinum mundus adorat opus.
Deprimis ingenio vates celebresque poetas
et stupet eloquio sexus uterque tuo.
Carmina missa mihi decies spectata revolvens
miror et ex aditis illa venire reor.
Non est humanum tam sacros posse labores
nec te, sed per te numina credo loqui.
Pondera verborum, sensus gravis, ordo venustus
vultum divine condicionis habent.
Cum miror quanta se maiestate tuentur,
parcius exilii triste recordor onus.
Forsitan ignoras, sed ego dum tutor honestum,
dum sacri partes ordinis, exsul agor.
Exilii curas et pondera dura laborum
alleviare tuo carmine virgo potes.
Allevies oro, nec quem Fortuna reliquit
linquere, fortune tu comes ipsa, velis.
Ne mihi verba neges, levius nil poscere possum:
Exulis obsequium munity ubiquitous tuum.

The antiquity of glory and of ten Sibille
was great glory for the women.
time we admire the ingenuity of a single,
and is not entirely devoid of a woman's voice.
Today there is still a contact with the gods,
they speak, I am sure, through a virgin.
In your mind, put a venerable place, and
in your mouth fix their sacred oracle.
The things that come out of your mouth
transcend the brigade works of ancient, inferior only to the gods. Whatever you say

is immortal and the world loves your work as a divine gift. You
with dark wit the prophets and the most illustrious poets,
man and woman wonder your eloquence.
Ten times I re-read the poems submitted, and so
admire them and I think come from my heart.
inhuman and therefore such an undertaking
and maybe you talk, but for you to speak of.
The weight of words, the formal sense, the elegant structure
suggest an image of God.
When I admire the majesty of which are coated
less bitter for me is the terrible exile.
may not know, me as the honest difenfo
and assets of the church, live in exile.
You can ease the pain of exile
and hard work with your hand, or a virgin. Relieves
yes, and do not abandon those who have already
Fortune disertato, Compagna stessa della your fortune. Non negarmi
you tue parole, posso chiedere nulla di meno questo: nulla da
sperare sposso you are my negherai him parole. Se non l'
rifiuterai Omaggio dell'esule
ovunque, esula, io di renderti cercherò Omaggio. DI ILDEBERTO


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ranchking Pro Mtd Mower

Desseoso with desseo - willing and desire

Desseoso with desseo
dessen still
'm sad because I
non the gentle lady,
that I love without Follia
dessen yet.
non of time limits and pleases me,
I move noite e day
Ventura So then it faze me paragraph

still out of this lady, dessen
yet. Think
other Pensamento
thought that non dare;
my ben and consolamento
is praise his loçanía d'
this pretty complimentary, dessen
yet. Beware
grand nursing care
where it bivo apartado de quien me
fazer muito Solia
well since villagers,
give todavía.

willing and desiring desire
any time
'm sad because I do not see
the nice lady my
the one I love without madness,
wishing all the time.
I do not like what you like and dislike I
night and day, since the fate
does so,

which remain separate from this lady who is my
Wishing all the time. Neither
to think another thought
think that I would not dare, because
comfort and well being in my

praise the splendor of such beauty in kindness, wishing
any time.
I'm looking very carefully
taking care of this without joy, since

live separate from the one that wanted me
much good without rudeness,
wishing all the time.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Linxcel Vc-211a Usb 2.0driver

The wireless network which I connect normally, misused, has disappeared. It started with being swinging, by presenting an hour so no one hour, and then abandon it. Swallowed into the network so the neighborhood. Well, I'll pay a subscription this time. In the meantime, I connect, when I have time, a small cafe in London. I ordered a latte, when I have breakfast in an English bar, always remember that the Italian cappuccino here you can forget it, and so I always and only latte. Or tea, if it is afternoon. Also spotted what I mean, with milk instead of lemon. A little 'sweet, but good. In England, drinking tea with a slice of lemon is considered an oddity Mediterranean think I once tried to order an early gray with lemon and I got a nice mischione of tea, milk, and lemon. Something abominable as easily imagine. (To be fair, I must specify that this happens especially in smaller towns or further afield, in the City, for example, are used to satisfy more or less per request.) I picked up my diet, or better, I decided to follow a new diet that I was prescribed last summer: no-bread-and-pasta-for-a-month, remember? This time nothing will be the diet-bread-and-paste-up-to-party-to-degree, but the chocolate, that yes, it is permissible: the kinder eggs, in particular, that there is also a collection of Smurfs from do! Too bad he had discovered a small bakery just around the corner from my house, which is excellent croissant: it certainly helps to pass in front of that window, a real feast for the eyes! For the moment, resist. My sister gave me the wonderful rain boots, rubber blue, the color shown on the box, Specifically, "sky", with detail that I discovered some narcissistic pleasure. My milk has come!